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Information for the Patients of the Dental Clinic

University of Banja LukaGeneral

Acting in line with the recommendations of the relevant institutions, the Dental Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Banja Luka will start working in emergency circumstances and in the forthcoming period will only be performing urgent interventions and operations.

According to the press release, all routine interventions and prevention programs are postponed.

Prior to the check, patients are required to provide accurate information about themselves so as to prevent passing on potential infections to others. Before entering the Clinic, they are required to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Patients coming to the Dental Clinic are to comply with the recommended one-meter distance and enter the Clinic one by one. Patients with fever and symptoms of respiratory infections (cough, runny nose, sneezing) will not be checked.

Patients are urged to be self-disciplined and responsible for the purpose of more effectively overcoming the emerging epidemiological situation related to the corona virus.



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