
MSR-6 - Anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive policies and practices in social work

Course specification
Type of study Master academic studies
Study programme
Course title Anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive policies and practices in social work
Acronym Status Semester Number of classes ECTS
MSR-6 elective 1 2L + 1E 4.0
Lecturer/Associate (practicals)
Prerequisite Form of prerequisites
No prerequisites.
Learning objectives
The objective of this course is to introduce students with the specifics of different types of discrimination, measures of social protection in local community. The aim is to equip students with knowledge and skills necessary to suppress discrimination, understanding the concepts, policies, programs and methods of a multi-cultural, anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice. A special attention is paid to practical aspects regarding recognizing discrimination based on individual differences, which equips students to work in system of social protection and welfare, as well as in other systems that provide social services.
Learning outcomes
It is expected that students will be capable to: - understand discrimination and its different forms; - understand the nature of stereotypes and prejudice; - recognize the effects of discrimination on position of different vulnerable groups and individuals; - adopt knowledge on theory concepts of multi-cultural practice, contemporary anti-discriminatory approaches in national, European and global context; - build competences and critical thinking on anti-discriminatory issues;
The content of this course is consisted of following interconnected topics: - Definition and types of discrimination; - Conceptual framework of multi-cultural social work practice; - Theories and effects of discrimination and oppression; - Implications of cultural diversification on social work practice; - Forming cultural (majority and minority identity); - Designing culturally sensitive programs; - Advocating and activism in promoting equality; - Anti-discriminatory movements in society and empowering marginalized; - Multi-cultural and anti-discriminatory social work; - Challenges and issues of social integration of Roman population; - Ageism; - Gender identity, transsexuality, understanding heterosexism, working with LGBT clients; - Deinstitutionalization and inclusion of psychiatric clients; - Challenges of inclusion of homeless, persons treated for addiction and persons who had served prison sentences;
Teaching Methods
Lectures will be conducted as panel discussions, work in small discussion groups. Students is obliged to attend lectures add workshops and fulfill the pre-exam tasks.
Evaluation and grading