The University of Banja Luka, founded on November 7, 1975 and comprising of 17 faculties today, is the leading higher education institution in the Republic of Srpska and the second largest one in the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Since 2007, the University has been integrated, with the faculties functioning as organizational units.
It is managed by the Steering Board, Senate and Rector, who is assisted by the Vice-Rector for education and students’ affairs, Vice-Rector for scientific research and development, Vice-Rector for international and inter-university cooperation, and Vice-Rector for staff and material resources.
At the moment, there are 811 fully employed professors and teaching assistants, 342 professors working part-time, and 175 visiting professors, the administration of the University totaling 559 employees.
So far, the University has produced 31,500 graduates, 700 hundred specialists, 1,150 MA/MSc and 600 PhD degree holders respectively, with 20,000 students currently enrolled at its study programmes.
Most faculties are situated in two separate campus sites near the banks of the River Vrbas, in the vicinity of downtown area. Each campus site is equipped with dormitories with accompanying canteens, sports courts, students’ clubs and University Computer Centre.
The University of Banja Luka disposes of all necessary facilities, from classrooms and amphitheatres, over reading rooms and libraries, to laboratories and computer rooms. The total classroom area is 16,000 m2, while the laboratories take up 10,000 m2. In most classrooms there are computers and over-head projectors, allowing for use of digital contents in class. As far as the computer rooms, there are 20 of them, all providing a 24-hour access to the Internet. In addition, the libraries provide their users with 185,000 titles and are subscribed to 75 journals.
University of Banja Luka is a member of the European University Association – EUA and is a signatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum. The University is a member of the International University Network for Academic and Research Cooperation, under the patronage of the La Sapienza University Science Park, Rome, Italy, the General Assembly of Interuniversity Centre for Research and Cooperation with Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (CIRCEOS), with headquarters at the University of Bari, Italy, UniAdrion universities network with headquarters in Ancona, Italy, EMUNI foundation with headquarters in Slovenia and the Agency for Francophone Universities (AUF).