
The ‘HUAWEI’ company

Since 2010, the ‘Huawei’ company, one of global leaders in IT sector, has been awarding scholarships for the five most successful students of the University of Banja Luka.

The amount of a one-shot, so-called NOVUM scholarship is $ 1,250, in accordance with the Agreement on donation entered in 2010 between the ‘Huawei Technologies’ Ltd from Banja Luka and the University of Banja Luka, stating that the company would provide scholarships for the five most successful students in the period of eight years, until 2018. The overall amount of the donation is $ 50,000.

The prestigious NOVUM scholarships, apart from providing a significant material support to our best students, offer, at the same time, an opportunity to the scholarship holders of being recognized on the labour market upon finishing their studies.