
Academic Coordinators for International Student and Staff Exchange

 Academic Coordinators for International Student and Staff Exchange 

According to the Article 3 of the Rulebook on the International Exchange of Students and Staff of the University of Banja Luka, the Academic Coordinator for International Student and Staff Exchange is a person appointed by the Science-Academic Council/Art-Science-Academic Council of the member for the purpose of exercising jurisdiction under Article 36 of the Rulebook

Article 36

Academic Coordinator for International Student and Staff Exchange shall be selected from teaching staff for a period of two (2) years, with the possibility for one more reappointment for a period of two (2) years.

The responsibilities of the Academic Coordinator for International Student and Staff Exchange include, but are not limited to: preparation and signing of Learning Agreements, monitoring the results of student exchange and processing of received data, participation in the work of the Commission for the recognition of the period of exchange and preparation of agreements on exchange for the purposes of teaching and/or research and/or training of staff.

Members can appoint more Academic Coordinators for International Student and Staff Exchange.

Academic Coordinator for International Student and Staff Exchange provides support to outgoing and incoming students and staff on all academic matters. 

In the absence of the Academic Coordinator for International Student and Staff Exchange, responsibilities of the coordinator are taken over by the Head of the Study Programme, that is, the Head of the appropriate Chair, where the outgoing student is studying, or to which the incoming student wants to come to an exchange.