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Announcement for the call 10 in the field of ICT

Science and developmentUniversity of Banja Luka

ICT call 10 contains an objective 11.4 Supplements to strengthen cooperation in ICT R&D in an enlarged European Union. The goal of this objective is to expand on-going ICT R&D projects (that is, STREPs or IPs) to new partners located incountries in the EU, Associated countries or the European Research Area which are currently under-represented at programme level, and which are not already present in the project consortium.

A condition of the objective is that the existing ICT project is ending after 30 th June 2014. This is to ensure that the newly-joining partners still have time in the lifetime of the project to make a useful contribution.

More information about any particular project (includingthe identity of the coordinator and the other organisations/ countries already involved in the project) can be found at

The list of qualifying ICT projects you can find in attached document.

List projects for Call 10 obj 11.4