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Challenge: Future Competitions 2013!

Science and developmentUniversity of Banja Luka

This year we are challenging youth (18-30 years old) to think about solutions for fighting youth unemployment and poverty, imagine the perfect education system, envision their dream job and best companies of the future. 

New C:F Competitions! EUR 3.000 money prize, paid internship and 70 scholarships. 

Hey! Challenge:Future Competitions 2013 are here! 

What are they about? The future of work. Your dream job. Fighting youth unemployment. 

What’s in it for you? Three month paid Internship in AT Kearney offices in Slovenia or Poland, EUR 3.000 money prize or one of 70 scholarships for attending C:F Summit 2013 in Slovenia. 

What do you have to do? To compete and win the prizes, the first step is to create a team until 18 February 2013. Go for it: 

Dan Croitoru

Competition & Alliances, Challenge:Future

Technology park 24

1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia