Invitation to JRC Conference on "Scientific Governance: Excellence and Impact"
Science and developmentUniversity of Banja LukaThe Joint Research Centre (JRC) is organising a high level conference on the theme " Scientific Governance: Excellence and Impact" to be held in Brussels on 15 October 2013.
The objective of the conference is to achieve a wider understanding of how to create impact from excellent research. The participants will look at best practices how to yield more impact from excellence and how to maximise its clear added value. The event will explore the effect of research in terms of economic impact (including technical via standardisation), policy impact and societal impact (including international dimension). To generate more impact of excellence, science cannot be done in isolation; it has to be developed in multidisciplinary environment linked to the real economic world. The key to maximising impact from excellent science is to put in place stimulating science governance.
European policymakers and stakeholders are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of scientific governance for underpinning growth in Europe. Scientific governance aims to ensure that research contributes to:
• Enhancing the European knowledge base
• Developing solutions to global problems and challenges
• Boosting economic development and creating new products and services
• Contributing to social development, growing and sustaining employment
• Underpinning policies with solid scientific basis and evidence
Scientific support can contribute to developing appropriate strategies, mechanisms and incentives needed to generate excellence and impact enhancing environment. The conference aims to mobilise all actors and to build stronger links between research and business, specifically involving the European SMEs.
I would be grateful if you could distribute this information to relevant contacts in your countries to invite them to participate to this conference. Please find enclosed the outline and the draft programme of the event. I would greatly appreciate if interest to attend will be indicated before Friday 4 October to the following email address:
Scientific Governance - Excellence and Impact - Draft Agenda