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Training of Teams for the Registration and Implementation of Erasmus+ Projects Held 

University of Banja LukaGeneral

On 19 September 2019, the Office for International and Interuniversity Cooperation of the University of Banja Luka held the third consecutive training of teams for the registration and implementation of Erasmus+ projects, established by five University members.

The first two trainings of teams for 13 University members were held in June 2019.
They talked about the process of registering the Erasmus+ Credit Transfer projects, and presented the standard quiestionnaire for this project category and how to fill in the same. Thereafter, they presented the process of registering and implementing the Erasmus+ Capacity Building projects at the University of Banja Luka. 

The last part was dedicated to the workshop on preparation of the Logical Framework Matrix, which constitutes an integral part of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building project application. The training participants had the opportunity to prepare the Logical Framework Matrix using a specific example. 


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