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Improving the Learning Methodology in the Field of Medical and Health Sciences


The goal of the project named “Development and implementation of metacognitive problem-based modules in blended learning courses in medical sciences – ProBLeMSˮ is to improve the learning methodology in the field of medical and health sciences, which should be achieved through two specific goals.

The first specific goal of the project is to enable students to use conceptual, procedural and metacognitive knowledge in order to solve real problems by applying a new learning model. Another goal is to develop the capacity of higher education institutions for further improvement of blended learning through cooperation with EU universities and mutual cooperation.

It is a EC-funded project within the Erasmus+ programme, which is coordinated by the University of East Sarajevo, with the University of Banja Luka, the Medical University of Innsbruck, the University of Montenegro, the University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica, the Association for Biomedical Informatics and Statistics of the Republic of Srpska and the Institute for Public Health of Montenegro taking part in it.

The first kick-off meeting of the project was held on 3 and 4 April 2023 at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of East Sarajevo located in Foča. All project partners were presented at this meeting, obligations and responsibilities were assigned for certain project activities, and membership was appointed in the key working groups o the project, as well as the managing bodies of the project. This was also an opportunity to present work packages with activities and obligations, administrative procedures, risk management plan and communication and quality assurance plan in detail.


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