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Rector Gajanin and Vice-Rector Kesić at the Anniversary of the University of Havana

University of Banja LukaGeneral

Rector of the University of Banja Luka Prof. Radoslav Gajanin and Vice-Rector for Material and Human Resources Prof. Dalibor Kesić, PhD, are attending the International Scientific Conference of the University of Havana.

The event takes place from 29 May to 2 June 2023 and is dedicated to 295 years of successful work of the University of Havana. This conference, intended for scientists, the academic community, businessmen and students, is organized on the topics of biotechnology, biomedical sciences, renewable energy sources, environmental protection, as well as other relevant topics related to modern society.

During their stay in Havana, the rector of the University of Banja Luka will sign cooperation agreements with the University of Havana and the University of Medical Sciences. Moreover, Rector Gajanin and Vice-Rector Kesić will give a lecture on the role of scientific research in modern society to the rectors of leading universities in Cuba and South America.



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