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A symposium on novelties in diagnostics and treatment of breast conditions has been held

University of Banja LukaGeneral

A symposium titled “Novelties in diagnostics and treatment of breast conditions” was held on 24 May at the Republic of Srpska Academy of Science.

Rector of Banja Luka University, Prof. Radoslav Gajanin, PhD, said this was the third interdisciplinary symposium involving pathologists, that is, medical pathology as scientific discipline.

“This is the opportunity to hear about new achievements in the field of breast pathology, that is, diagnostics of breast conditions, treatment and prevention”, said Rector Gajanin, who is himself a Pathology specialist.

As Rector pointed out, the plan is to hold similar events at least once a year.

Professor of Pathology at the Swedish University of Upsala, Dr Tibor Tot, said that breast cancer has an increasing incidence also in highly developed countries that have a mammography screening of the population for early diagnosing and apply the latest therapy.

He stressed that interdisciplinary approach to treatment guarantees the best treatment to patients, and added that a pathologist plays a key role in the interdisciplinary team.

“Pathology becomes more and more important, entering into a molecular phase, and has a central role in diagnosing and treating the breast cancer”, said Tot, expressing the belief that the symposium will contribute to early diagnosing and treating the breast cancer.

Chairman of the Board of chronic noncontagious diseases in the Department of medical sciences at the Republic of Srpska Academy of Sciences and Arts, academician prof. Dusko Vulic, PhD, said it was necessary to continue with good diagnostics and treatment, but also to work more in prevention of breast carcinoma.

“One of illnesses that most endangers the population is the breast carcinoma. About 2,3 million persons get it in the world annually, and about half a million dies from it” said Vulic and stressed that one of the characteristics of this disease is that in 90% of cases it can be fully cured, if it is discovered in time.

Speaking of Europe, annual rate of incidence of breast cancer is about 250.000. The Head of Oncology clinic at the University Clinic Centre of Republic of Srpska, Dr. Zdenka Gojkovic, pointed out that this was a multidisciplinary symposium, as various experts are included, from moment of diagnose, to treatment and further follow-up of breast carcinoma
patients, with innovative themes.

She said that breast cancer is a leading malignant disease among women and according to the WHO, in the period 1995 to 2018 the incidence number increased by 50%, while the fatality rate increased by 20%.

The Symposium was organized by the University of Banja Luka and the Medical faculty, in cooperation with the Board for chronic noncontagious diseases of the Department of medical sciences at the Republika Srpska Academy of Sciences and Arts, and Republic of Srpska Association of oncologists. The symposium has been accredited by the Ministry of Health and
Social Care within the program of continual education of health workers.

Reception by the Rector

On the same day, before the official opening of the symposium, Rector of the University of Banja Luka, Prof. Radoslav Gajanin, PhD, organized a reception for members of the organizational and scientific board of the symposium. The reception in Rector’s cabinet was attended by Prof. Tatjana Ivkovic Kapicl, PhD, Prof. Tibor Tot, PhD, Prof. Gordan Vujanic,
PhD, Prof. Dusko Dundjerovic, PhD, and Prof. Slavisa Djuricic, PhD, and they discussed the joint activities in the future period.

Photo: D. Desnica

Agenda of the Symposium


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