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University of Banja Luka presented in Pécs

University of Banja LukaGeneral

On 7 May 2024, the University of Banja Luka delegation participated in the presentation of higher education institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Hungarian city of Pécs.

This event, organized by the University of Pécs, one of the leading universities in Hungary, was an opportunity to establish closer cooperation through the exchange of staff, knowledge and experience, especially in the field of strategic internationalization of higher education and modern approaches to the teaching process.

Rector of the University of Pécs Prof. Attila Miseta, PhD, was the host of the event and Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Hungary Biljana Gutić Bjelica attended the presentation of higher education institutions, along with representatives of the University of Tuzla, the University of Sarajevo and the University of Mostar.

Furthermore, during their stay in Hungary, the delegation of the University of Banja Luka, consisting of Vice-Rector for Teaching, Student Affairs and Quality Prof. Milica Balaban, PhD, Vice-Rector for Human and Material Resources Prof. Dalibor Kesić, PhD, and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Ranko Škrbić, PhD, also visited the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Pécs, where concrete cooperation in the field of medicine and biomedical research was agreed upon.


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