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A reconstructed road was opened, charging of vehicles entry into the University campus started

University of Banja LukaGeneral

The reconstructed road and a system for charging the entry of vehicles into the protected area University Campus were formally opened on 3 September 2024.

,,The daily ticket for entry of private cars into the Campus is 5 KM, while the ticket for a minibus is 10 KM, and for a BUS it is 20 KM. A monthly ticket for entry of all kinds of motor vehicles is 40 KM“, said the Rector of Banja Luka University, prof. Radoslav Gajanin, PhD.

As rector clarified, according to the decision of the University' Steering Board, exempted from the payment shall be employees and students of the University of Banja Luka, employees of the Student's Centre „Nikola Tesla“, as well as users of facilities and delivery services.

,,All the money collected through charging the entry of motor vehicles will be deposited onto the University's account and will be used for protection and improvement of the University Campus“, Rector added.

Minister of Scientific and Technological Development and Higher Education in the Government of the Republic of Srpska, docent Zeljko Budimir, PhD, said that the reconstructed road and a system for charging the entry of motor vehicles into the area of University Campus will significantly contribute to increasing the security within the Campus.

,,The tragic event in Belgrade's primary school 'Vladislav Ribnikar' was a signal to us that we need to increase the security and control of those who enter into the protected area, and the first step is this new road and installing the charging ramp at the entrance“, said Budimir and stressed that development of the University Campus continues.

It is important to say that the reconstruction of part of roads in the University Campus was done thanx to the means provided by the Republic of Srpska Government for that purpose. The value of reconstruction works made on roads in the Campus was 198.055,26 KM, while the value and installation of equipment for the control and charging of entry of motor vehicles was 21.937,50 KM.

Along with Rector Gajanin and Minister Budimir, the event was also attended by vice-rectors of the University, prof. Dalibor Kesic, PhD and prof. Milica Balaban, PhD, and Secretary General of the University, M.Sc. Djordje Markez.

Photo: D. Desnica


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