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Students of German language visited Graz

University of Banja LukaGeneral

Students of German language and literature at Faculty of Philology of the University of Banja Luka had a study visit to Graz from 16th to 18th September 2024.

This was an opportunity for our students to visit a number of institutions seated in Graz, and they also visited the Mayor of Graz, Ms. Elke Kahr. In addition, the students observed the session of Styrian parliament and visited the University “Karl Franzens” and Institute of Slavistics, where the conclusion was that strengthening the cooperation between University of Banja Luka and universities in Austria is of mutual interest.

Professor at the Faculty of Philology, Andjelka Krstanovic Jankovic, PhD, and a librarian in the Austrian library, Mihael Resanovic, accompanied the students during the visit. This visit was organized at the initiative of the honorary Consul of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Austria, Dr Jörg Hofreiter, aided by the Republic of Srpska representative office in Austria.


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