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Across Alliance officially started with work


Representatives of the University of Banja Luka participated in the first meeting of the Across Alliance at the University of Technology from Chemnitz, Germany, from 4 to 6 March 2025.

The event gathered about 230 participants from all participating universities, who defined next steps and obligations within the Across Alliance through intensive discussions and working sessions. The participants pointed out the significance of this partnership in strengthening the competitiveness of European universities and their more active connection with the economy sector and society.

The introductory session of the meeting included a presentation about the managing structure of the Alliance, cooperation with international consortiums, and future joint initiatives. During the two days of intensive working sessions all 16 working teams had strategic discussions and joint planning sessions, which resulted in concrete working plans for the next year.

Across Alliance gathers ten European universities, including the University of Banja Luka, Bialystok University of Technology, University of Technology from Chemnitz, University of Craiova, University of Girona, University of Nova Gorica, University of Perpignan, University of Udine and “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse, and one associated partner, the “Ivan Franco” national University of Lviv.

The mission of the Alliance is to provide students with the authentic European experience of learning through cross-border cooperation and conflict resolution in border regions. Another goal is also improvement of the conditions for lifelong learning, satisfying different academic and professional needs, and securing flexibility to adjust to individual circumstances.

The basic goals of the Alliance include strengthening cooperation within higher education, empowerment of internationalization and digitalization, creating joint study programs, and improvement of ties among the academic community, economy sector, and civil society.  These activities are harmonized with the Development Strategy of the University of Banja Luka, which stipulates internationalization and modernization of study programs.

In the coming four years, the Across Alliance plans to adjust the study programs of all cycles of studies, and programs of life-long learning and micro-qualifications. It is planned for Across to strengthen the career counseling, aiming at improving students' competencies in the field of entrepreneurship. There will also be activities on improving the teaching competencies of the teaching staff. There is a plan to organize summer schools, develop of e-campus, hold the “Week of European universities”, and other activities directed towards the realization of the idea of higher education without borders.

Source of photographs: University of Technology from Chemnitz



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