
MK-2 - Mediji i društvo

Course specification
Type of study Master academic studies
Study programme
Course title Mediji i društvo
Acronym Status Semester Number of classes ECTS
MK-2 mandatory 1 4L + 2E 7.0
Lecturer/Associate (practicals)
Prerequisite Form of prerequisites
According to the study rules of the second study cycle. Listened to the lessons and exercises.
Learning objectives
The basic orientation within the course is to present important forms and phenomena in the social history of the media. The study will cover the history of journalism as a profession, the history of the media and, more broadly, the history of communication methods. The goal is to show the liminality and interweaving of the technological development of journalism and the media with art, artifacts of the scientific-technological revolution and literature, but also to show some universal features of the media and their social functions throughout history.
Learning outcomes
Studenti će se upoznati sa širokim kontekstom savremenog tumačenja položaja i značaja medijskog sistema unutar društvenog sistema. Imaće priliku da se upoznaju s nekim najvažnijim modelima društvenog komuniciranja, kako bi bolje razumeli strukturei procese društvene komunikacije. Studentima će se dati na uvid neka savremena razumevanja uloge medija u svetskim komunikacionim tokovima i u društvu kao celini - na mikro, mezo i makro novu. Studenti će moći da prepoznaju neka manje vidljiva delovanja u sferi medijske i društvene komunikacije. Studenti će kroz teorijsku analizu i simulaciju situacija, biti osposobljeni da u društvenoj stvarnosti prepoznaju neke važne pojave unutar tehnnološke i informacione prirode medija, medijske industrije i savremenih politika medija.
Mass communication and society; Early visual and multimedia communication; The printing revolution in historical context; Media and public sphere in early modern Europe; Scientific and technological revolution and journalism; Development of means of communication and the so-called media revolution; History of development of radio, cinema, television and social challenges; Information and entertainment as media products; Media and democracy (rule and manipulation, culture industry and mass culture); Media in technological civilization; network communication; Geopolitics of the media; The issue of communication sovereignty; Corporate journalism and political communication; Post journalism and the new society.
Teaching Methods
Ex cathedra lectures, individual interactivity, group work, exercises, consultations, involvement in project work (when possible).
  1. Tapavički Duronjić, T. (2011). "Komuniciranje u medijasferi", Romanov-Bard-fin: Beograd: Banja Luka, Asa Brigs/Piter Berk (2006). "Društvena istorija medija". Beograd: Clio. Rođer Fidler, (2004). "Mediamorphosis". Beograd: Clio. Slobodan Reljić (2013). "Kriza medija i mediji krize". Službeni glasnik: Beograd. Oliver Subotić, (2011). "Informaciono kontrolisano društvo". Bernar: Beograd. Ašmanov, I, / Kasperska, N. (2023). "Digitalna higijena". Riznica: Beograd. (Original title)
  2. Tatjana Tapavički Duronjić (2014). "Singularnost čoveka i kompjutera u internet okruženju". Internet i društvo. Međunarodni tematski zbornik radova. Beograd i Niš: Srspko sociološko društvo, Univerzitet u Nišu, Institut za uporedno pravo. Beograd. Ljubiša Despotović i Zoran Jevtović (2019). "Geopolitika medija". Kultura polisa i Kairos: Novi Sad. Reljić, S. (2018). "Bukvar medijske pismenosti" Akademija knjiga: Beograd. (Original title)
  3. Lev, Manovič (2000). "Metamediji". Beograd: Centar za savremeni um Clio. Tatjana Tapavički Duronjić (2008). "Kompjuterska kultura i moderni mediji". Filozofski fakultet Banja Luka: Banja Luka. Dominik Mojsi (2016). "Geopolitika televizijskih serija" Beograd: Clio. Noam Čomski (2008). "Propaganda i javno mnjenje". Beograd: Rubikon. Arsenin, A. (2012). "Privatnost u 21. veku." Srpski sabor Dveri: Catena mundi: Beograd. (Original title)
Evaluation and grading
Students' knowledge will be checked through a colloquium, independent papers and a final exam.
Specific remarks
Classes can be organized consultatively, but also online.