
MS-14 - Fenomenoloska sociologija

Course specification
Type of study Master academic studies
Study programme
Course title
Acronym Status Semester Number of classes ECTS
MS-14 mandatory 1 3L + 2E 6.0
Lecturer/Associate (practicals)
Prerequisite Form of prerequisites
No conditions No conditionality
Learning objectives
In order to adopt phenomenological analysis as a basic theoretical-methodological characteristic of phenomenological sociology as effectively as possible, in the course we analyze biopolitics and identity as the most significant phenomena of contemporary society.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to critically understand the latent function of social phenomena, processes, and events and to independently expose social constructions of meaning that are immanently accepted as a natural state of affairs as binding regimes of truth within the existing structure of consciousness of an epoch.
The course will be structured into 4 modules. • The first module. Introduction to phenomenological sociology. Why else sociology? Phenomenological sociology is a radical revocation of sociology itself. • Second module. Biopolitics. Conservation of the territory and care for the population. Disciplinary and biopolitical power. Disciplinary society and society of control. Communication and integration. Disposition, bare life, camp. • The third module. Medicalization of social life. Medicine as a normative system of power. Clinical, social, and structural iatrogenesis. The ideology of health. The Covid-19 pandemic is a form of non-explosive warfare. • Fourth module. Identity. Theological, political-theological, phenomenological, philosophical, geopolitical, and sociological approaches to identity.
Teaching Methods
Teaching will be conducted in the form of lectures and exercises. Lectures will be structured through thematic theoretical presentations of teaching units and discussion or conversation. The exercises will be organized through practical training. During the semester, the material covered through lectures and exercises will be partially checked through two mandatory colloquiums. After completing the pre-examination requirements (colloquium and seminar papers), students acquire the right to take the entire course material in the form of a final exam (academic talk)
  1. Prvi modul. Fenomenološka sociologija. • Pavić, Ž., Fenomenologija i sociologija. Uvod u refleksivnu sociologiju, Društvena istraživanja, Sarajevo 1994. • Nansi, Ž.L., Dva ogleda, Arkzin, Zahreb, 2003. • Paić, Ž., Bijela eshatologija. Đorđio Agamben i politika nadolazećeg događaja, 2011, Kotor. • Paić, Ž., Zajednica bez uslova, Politička misao, Zagreb, 2013. • Đukić, N., Heterotopije. Ogledi iz savremene sociologije, Fakultet političkih nauka Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci, Banja Luka, 2020. • Đukić, (Original title)
  2. Drugi modul. Biopolitika. 1. Marinković, D., Ristić, D., Moć nad životom. Biopolitika u modernom društvu. Mediterran Publishing, Novi Sad, 2019. 2. Krivak, M., Biopolitika. Nova politička filozofija, AntiBarbarus, Zagreb, 2009. • Mišel, H., Negri, A., Imperij, Arkzin, Zagreb, 2000. • Foucault, M., The Birth of Biopolitics: Lestures at the College de France 1978-79. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. • Foucault, M.. Bezbjednost, teritorija, stanovništvo: predavanja na Koledž de Fransu 1977-1978. (Original title)
  3. Treći modul. Medikalizacija društvenog života: • George, P., „Advances in Biotechnology: Promise and Peril.“ In ed. Joseph Rosen and Charles Lucey. Emerging technologies: Recommendations for Counter-Terrorism. Darmauth College: Institut for Security Technology Studies, 2001. • Bushnell, D., „Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025].“ In ed. Joseph Rosen and Charles Lucey. Emerging technologies: Recommendations for Counter-Terrorism. Darmauth College: Institut for Security Technology S (Original title)
  4. Četvrti modul. Identitet: • Đukić, N., Fenomenologija brisanog prostora. Šest poglavlja o identitetu, Fakultet političkih nauka Univeziteta u Banjoj Luci, Banja Luka, 2020. • Milardović, A., Stranac i društvo. Fenomenologija stranca i ksenofobija, Pan Liber, Zagreb, 203. (Original title)
Evaluation and grading
Knowledge will be tested during the semester through colloquiums and seminar papers, and at the end of the semester in the form of an oral exam.
Specific remarks
No remarks