
MLS-4 - European Regionalism (MLS-4)

Course specification
Type of study Master academic studies
Study programme
Course title European Regionalism (MLS-4)
Acronym Status Semester Number of classes ECTS
MLS-4 elective 1 3L + 2E 6.0
Lecturer/Associate (practicals)
Prerequisite Form of prerequisites
Learning objectives
This subject makes a significant contribution to the understanding of contemporary processes of integration and the Euroregion as a new form within the EU political system. Regional integration based on the initiative of local and regional communities encourages the economic development of the region, contributing to prosperity and effective participation in the single European market. Students will get acquainted with the basic concepts of regions, regionalism, cross-border cooperation, their competences, participation in the exercise of state power, the organization of government in the regions, and the European principles of regionalization.
Learning outcomes
It is expected that students will be able to understand the processes of European integration through the prism of European regionalism as well as the new challenges that appear before the integrations, with the aim of being able to actively engage in the processes of international integration that stand before BiH and the RS. By listening to this course, students will be able to understand the role of the region in the political system of the European Union and the dimensions and effects of the EU Regional Policy, and by monitoring and analyzing the conditions governing the European integration process, they will be able to recognize the potentials, advantages and perspectives for Bosnia and Herzegovina that arise from these conditions.
Principles of European regionalism and regional cooperation; Regional state (concept of region, regionalism, forms of regionalism, competences of regions, participation of regions in performing state affairs, organization of government in regions); European documents on regionalization (European Framework Convention on Cross-Border Cooperation between Territorial Communities or Authorities; European Charter on Local Self-Government; Draft European Charter on Regional Self-Government; Helsinki Declaration on Regional Self-Government...); Regional policy of the European Union (policy development, goals and principles); Instruments of the Regional Policy of the European Union (funds: European Social Fund, European Fund for Regional Development...); The region in the context of the regional policy of the European Union (differences between regions in the European Union); Cross-border cooperation as part of the common regional policy of the European Union (Intereg program as the first cross-border cooperation program in the European Union:
Teaching Methods
Teaching will be conducted in the form of lectures and exercises, discussion of questions from the material covered and reading of assigned materials, as well as case analysis, debate and presentation of seminar papers.
  1. Jovan Komšić. Principi evropskog regionalizma, Asocijacija multietničkih gradova jugoistočne Evrope, Novi Sad, 2007. (Original title)
  2. Ognjen Mirić. Regionalna politika Evropske unije kao motor ekonomskog razvoja, Evropski pokret, Beograd, 2009. (Original title)
  3. Veran Stančetić. Region kao razvojna perspektiva u Evropskoj uniji, Službeni glasnik, Beograd, 2009. (Original title)
Evaluation and grading
The pre-examination requirements consist of: 1 (1) colloquium (20 points), one (1) seminar paper on a given topic (20 points) and regular and active attendance of the course (10 points). A maximum of 50 points can be earned on the pre-examination requirements. The final exam is conducted orally and it tests knowledge of the entire material, and carries a maximum of 50 points.