
R1GTH10 - Geotechnics

Course specification
Type of study Bachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course title Geotechnics
Acronym Status Semester Number of classes ECTS
R1GTH10 elective 8 2L + 3E 6.0
Lecturer/Associate (practicals)
Prerequisite Form of prerequisites
Položen ispit Passed exam
Learning objectives
The main goal of the course is to introduce mining students to the basic methods of geotechnical land reclamation: injection, drainage, anchoring, shotcreting, electroosmosis, artificial freezing, thermal reclamation and stabilization.
Learning outcomes
After listening to and passing the course, students will master the basic theoretical concepts of geotechnical reclamation methods that are most often applied in engineering practice.
1. Overview of the basic methods of geotechnical land reclamation. 2. Theoretical foundations of injection: properties of the environment, mechanism of movement of injection masses through porous media and elements of injection. 3. Types of injection. 4. Injection masses. 5. Injection equipment. 6. Drainage: action of water in the field, filtration deformations and stability. 7. Drainage objects. 8. Application of drainage in engineering practice. 9. Anchoring. Types of anchors and anchoring elements. 10. Application and performance of anchoring in engineering practice. 11. Torcreting. 12. Electroosmosis: draining and stabilization. 13. Artificial freezing. 14. Thermal melioration. 15. Mechanical and chemical stabilization of terrain.
Teaching Methods
Lectures, exercises, practicum, consultations.
  1. S. Cvetković-Mrkić. Methods of geotechnical reclamation: book 1 and 2, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, 1995.
  2. R. Blagojevic. Injection technique, Geological Education Center, Belgrade, 1980.
  3. Adamovič, A.N., Koltunov, D.V. Injecting the foundations of hydrotechnical facilities. Construction book Belgrade, 1957.
  4. Hobst, L., Zajic, J. Anchoring in Rock and Soil. Elsevier Amsterdam, 1983.
Evaluation and grading
Attendance and activity in class, elaboration, test 1 and test 2 and final exam.
Specific remarks
Students are required to attend classes, do exercises, pass tests and the final exam.