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A Memorandum of Understanding signed with the OSCE mission

HighlightsUniversity of Banja Luka

A Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Banja Luka and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, represented by the OSCE mission in BaH, was signed on 29 May 2024.

This Memorandum, with the validity of five years, was signed by the Rector of Banja Luka University and the Head of OSCE Mission in BaH, Ambassador Brian Aggeler.

Rector Gajanin said that this was a formalization of a successful cooperation between OSCE Mission and the UBL, that is, faculties of the UBL in the past period.

,,The OSCE has been supporting a number of our projects, among them also the recently held `Students’ days`, where particularly noticed was a lecture of the OSCE HoM Brian Aggeler about the role of the OSCE in post-Dayton BaH", said Rector and expressed his belief that the University and the OSCE Mission in BaH will have more joint projects in the future.
,,It is important that our students are objectively informed about the OSCE Mission, but also to be enabled to adopt practical skills, especially in the field of diplomacy within the Mission”, said Gajanin.

According to his words, a greater international visibility of the University shall be realized by means of this cooperation.

Aggeler pointed out that this was a good opportunity to formalize the cooperation with the University and that this model of cooperation could be extended to other high education institutions in BaH.

,,The Memorandum shall enable students to get acquainted with our staff and the work of the OSCE Mission. The OSCE Mission in BaH remains a dedicated partner to education authorities in BaH, in securing quality high education, with a focus on promoting peace, security and human rights”, said Aggeler.

After the formal signing of the MoU, Rector and HoM talked about the plans for cooperation.

That meeting was attended by the vice-rector for material and human resources, Prof. Dalibor Kesic, PhD, Head of Field Office Banja Luka, Sabrina Schirmer and Education Officer in OSCE Field Office Banja Luka, Valerija Tisma.

Photo: D. Desnica


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