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Panel discussion “Sports without borders: tearing down the stereotypes.”

University of Banja LukaGeneral

Panel discussion “Sports without borders: tearing down the stereotypes” that was the first activity of the project “Securing sports education through innovative and inclusive plans for gender equality” (SUPPORTER), was held on 22 May 2024 at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of the University of Banja Luka.

The panelists at the event moderated by full professor at Faculty of Philosophy of Banja Luka university, Ivana Zecevic, PhD, were Serbian basketball player Jadranka Trkulja, football player Marija Aleksic, and a gymnastics coach, Sasa Kovacevic.

The event was attended by over 80 participants, teaching staff and students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, as well as teachers and associates from other faculties, along with representatives of sports’ organizations, Ministry of family, youth and sports of the Republic of Srpska, schools and other institutions.

The Project “Securing sports education through innovative and inclusive plans for gender equality” is financed from the Horizon Europe program.


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