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"AgroReS 2024" and Counselling of Agricultural Engineers Held

University of Banja LukaGeneral

The International Symposium of Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2024" and the 29th Counselling of Agricultural Engineers of the Republic of Srpska were held in Trebinje from 27 to 30 May 2024.

The "AgroReS 2024" Symposium, which was held for the 13th time, was organized by the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Banja Luka in cooperation with 15 faculties, institutions and organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia, the Czech Republic, Romania and Italy.

More than 200 experts and researchers in the field of agricultural and related sciences took part in the scientific programme of this symposium. Three lectures by prominent experts from the Czech Republic, Italy and Romania were held in the plenary session. Within four scientific sessions (Crop Science, Horticulture, Animal Science and Agricultural Econimics and Rural Development), a total of 180 papers were presented in the form of oral and poster presentations, authors of which come from 22 countries in Europe, North America and Africa. Representatives of the University of Banja Luka and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Supply of the Republic of Srpska, as well as institutions and companies from the scientific and commercial sector of agriculture and food production, took an active part in the Symposium programme.

The authors of the press release had the opportunity to publish their papers in the Book of Abstracts, the Proceedings of Papers or the Agro-knowledge Journal (“Agroznanje”). The book of abstracts, as well as the proceedings of papers with a total of 39 scientific and professional papers, are available at the offocial webpage of this Symposium.

Sounselling of Agricultural Engineers

Counselling of agricultural engineers of the Republic of Srpska titled "Youth in Agriculture" was organized by the Network of Young Agro-Entrepreneurs, the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Banja Luka and the Agricultural Project Implementation Unit within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Srpska.

At the counselling held for the 29th time, opportunities for young people were presented through project positioning and activism, as well as the results of the "Youth in Agriculture" campaign so far. Young agro-entrepreneurs, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Srpska, the Agricultural Payment Agency of the Republic of Srpska, the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Srpska and the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Banja Luka took part in the panel discussions. The importance of young people as a generator of rural development was highlighted and certain activities were initiated for the further development of rural areas, agriculture and institutions through the topics "Challenges and Opportunities for Young People in Agribusiness" and "Institutional Support for Young People in Agriculture".


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