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Meeting with representatives of the Federation of young Serbs in Europe

University of Banja LukaGeneral

The Vice-rector for international and inter-university cooperation of the University of Banja Luka, prof. Kristina Pantelic Babic, PhD, met with representatives of the Federation of young Serbs in Europe led by Nemanja Dimitrijevic on 6 June 2024.

In the meeting held in the Rectorate of the Banja Luka University, it was mutually concluded that students of Banja Luka University and representatives of the Federation of young Serbs in Europe could participate in art exhibitions, literature nights, scientific conferences, through some joint projects. There is also a possibility to organize a number of other activities by means of this Federation, including students’ practice and students’ exchange.

The Dean of the Faculty of Philology at University of Banja Luka, prof. Biljana Babic, PhD, was also present at the meeting. The Dean Babic and the vice-rector Pantelic Babic agreed that the study program of Roman languages at Faculty of Philology has a good cooperation with French high education institutions, but that there was still room for cooperation with Study program Serbian language and literature.

Also present at the meeting were full professor at the Academy of Arts, Radoslav Tadic, senior assistant at the faculty of Philology, Milica Mijatovic, MA, and Mirjana Stojanovic Trivunovic from the association “Koreni” (‘Roots’).

Photo: D. Desnica


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