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“NanoPol 2024” conference at Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka

University of Banja LukaGeneral

International conference “NanoPol 2024”, dedicated to the most topical themes in the field of nano materials and polymers, was opened on 13 June 2024 at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of University of Banja Luka (PMF UNIBL).

The vice-rector for human and material resources of UNIBL, Prof. Dalibor Kesic, PhD, said that the PMF is holding the pace with the latest findings and achievements in science.

At this conference we have guests and cooperation within a coordination program of the European Institute of innovations and technology, with significant international participation. We have colleagues from Italy, Slovenia, Spain, North Macedonia, Serbia, and we are presenting papers of our colleagues from Germany, France and Hungary”, said Kesic in the media statement prior to the opening of this two-day conference.

Assistant Minister for scientific and technological development and high education, Jelena Starcevic, PhD, pointed out that in the last few decades we witnessed large breakthroughs in science and technology, where the central spot is held by nanotechnologies and polymers, as modern materials that completely change the world.

“I am glad that our Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics has been organizing this conference for several years now, and this year it is a part of ‘Deepgreeninno” project, which is the first coordinator’s project of the European institute of innovations and technology”, said Starcevic.

She added that the Ministry has recognized this project and contributed to the activities organized within the project through financial support.

Prof. Suzana Gotovac Atlagic, PhD, from the study program Chemistry at PMF UNIBL, said that nanomaterials and polymers are two key classes of material for development of modern technologies.

“Both these classes of material are being researched mainly in the final papers of the 1 st cycle students, as well as in Master theses, and since last year also within doctoral studies. We try in most of the research to connect with domestic industry and companies that have a large potential to commercialize scientific results”, said Atlagic.


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