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Opening of the Centre for innovative engineering practice

University of Banja LukaGeneral

The Agreement on Special Relations between University of Banja Luka (UNIBL) and University of Technology and Education (TUTE) from Tianjin, which among other, foresees opening of the Centre for innovative engineering practice, was signed on 29 June 2024.

The Agreement, in the presence of the Minister for Scientific and Technological Development and Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska, Doc. Dr. Zeljko Budimir and Deputy Mayor of Tianjin, Zhang Ling, was signed by rectors of the two universities, prof. Radoslav Gajanin, PhD, and prof. Zheng Qingchun, PhD, in the premises of Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy and Faculty of Forestry.

Rector of the Banja Luka University, prof. Radoslav Gajanin, PhD, clarified that the Agreement on special relations entails opening of the Center for innovative projects of engineering practice, which will be dedicated to technical sciences and innovative projects in practice. He added that, thanks to this Centre, technologies in the field of engineering sciences and practice in educating the students will be innovated. The Rector expressed hope that activities of that Centre will be similar to those of Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka.

Rector reminded that cooperation with Tianjin University started in 2017 with establishing the Confucius Institute that grew each year and brought China closer to Republic of Srpska in terms of language, culture, customs and economic developments.

The Minister for Scientific and Technological Development and Higher Education, Zeljko Budimir, stressed that the opening of the Confucius Institute and now Centre for innovative engineering practice, created a significant cooperation in high education.

“In cooperation with large countries and companies, like China and the city of Tianjin, with which we have a partnership, we will help our technical faculties at UNIBL to get new experiences and practice”, said Budimir to the journalists.

The Chinese director of the Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka, prof. Luo Xiaoru, said that the Institute presents a platform and a bridge of cooperation between the two countries and two universities – UNIBL and TUTE. According to his words, that way the cooperation between the two universities is additionally deepened.

Besides the representatives of the Chinese delegation, also present at the signing of the Agreement were Vice-Rectors of Banja Luka University, prof. Milica Balaban, PhD, prof. Dalibor Kesic, PhD, as well as the Chairman of the UNIBL Steering Board, prof. Biljana Antunovic, PhD, and the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, prof. Stevo Borojevic, PhD.

Photo: D. Desnica


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