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Faculty of forestry leads an international scientific project

University of Banja LukaGeneral

A working meeting about an international scientific project on adapting of a chamois to climate changes, was held on 1 July 2024 at the Faculty of forestry of the University of Banja Luka.

The Vice-Rector for teaching, students’ issues and quality, Prof. Milica Balaban, PhD, represented the University at the meeting.

It is about an international scientific project titled ,,Genetic adaptation of ecotypes of chamois
/Rupicapra rupicapra L./ to climate changes and loss of habitat: Case study of the endangered sub-
species of Balkans chamois /R. r. Balcanica/", led by the Faculty of forestry. The project worth nearly 50.000 EUR is financed by the International consortium “Biopolis”. The bearer of the project is the Faculty of forestry in Banja Luka, which won the public bidding in the competition of 22 European
scientific institutions.

As it was pointed out by the meeting participants, the chamois is very significant autochthonic breed of large game in the Republic of Srpska, whose habitats were significantly jeopardized with a number of damaging factors, so its population came down to just 1.600 units. Participants in the meeting stated that this project should enhance the conditions for the survival of this game in the area of the Republic of Srpska and the region, as the current situation is rather alarming.

Photo: D. Desnica


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