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Dean Dušanić Gave a Lecture at the Conference in Beijing

University of Banja LukaGeneral

Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Banja Luka Prof. Srđan Dušanić, PhD, gave a lecture at the Global Smart Education Conference 2024, which is being held from 18-21 August 2024 in Beijing.

Given the influence of smart technologies in all spheres, including in education, the purpose of the conference is to enable the participants to connect on an international level and exchange their experiences, research and positive practices.

At the conference, Dušanić made his contribution by delivering an opening speech at the forum on the mental and physical health of adolescents in a digitally saturated context.

Participation in the conference was enabled through the cooperation of the Embassy of China in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Confucius Institute and the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Banja Luka with the main organizers of the conference, Beijing Normal University and UNESCO IITE.

The Ministry of Education of China, representative of which opened the conference, which was attended by several hundred participants from all continents, was one of the sponsors of the conference.


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