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FPN UNIBL coordinator of the European project - RETLAMI-SEE

University of Banja LukaGeneral

The Faculty of Political Sciences at University of Banja Luka (FPN UNIBL) is the coordinator of the new European project titled Enhancing Capacities for Quality and Impactful Transformations, Labor and Migration in Southeast-Europe (RETLAMI-SEE), financed within the Horizon Europa program.

The goal of this three-year project financed within the Horizon Evropa project is improvement of capacities of Banja Luka University and its researchers for conducting quality and influential interdisciplinary research about transformations, labor and migrations in South-East Europe. The project will strengthen young researchers and PhD holders at University of Banja Luka through mentoring programs and exchange of knowledge with experienced researchers and partner institutions – University of Vienna, Institute of culture and remembrance studies in Ljubljana, as well as Regensburg Liebnic Institute for East and Southeast European studies.

As published at the FPN website, the RETLAMI-SEE project shall contribute to higher visibility of researching in the international scene through mentoring and strategic activities and strengthen the profiles of researchers and administrative staff of University of Banja Luka. A research group for transformations, labor and migrations in Southeast Europe will be formed, and it will enable long-term cooperation and application of project results in future researching.

The initial meeting

The first project meeting was held on 10 and 11 September 2024 at Faculty of Political Sciences of University of Banja Luka, organized by docent Andjela Pepic, PhD, who is the project manager, and it gathered representatives of all partner institutions. The meeting was opened by the project advisor, Karina Firkaviciute, pointing out the importance of networking and support to project staff for successful project management.

During the meeting the participants talked about the main goals of the project and plan of activities that include developing strategies for improvement of researching capacities, organization of workshops and training, as well as conducting study visits. It is expected that this project will significantly contribute to advancing researching skills among young researchers and enable larger internationalization of research activity of the Faculty of Political Sciences.

More information about the project will soon be available on the official web-page of the project and in social networks.


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