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Lectures were held on work and migrations in South-East Europe

University of Banja LukaGeneral

Lectures to the topic of work and migrations in South-East Europe were held on 10 September 2024 at the Faculty of political sciences – University of Banja Luka (FPN UNIBL).

Those were the three lectures that FPN UNIBL organized within the initial meeting of Horizon Europe project RETLAMI-SEE, which will be held in the next three years at our university.

The lectures were held by renowned researchers, so the expert in social history, specialized for history of South-East Europe of 19 th and 20 th century, prof. Ulf Brunbauer, PhD, held a lecture titled: “Elusive development – Migrants, Experts and inequality in Socialist Yugoslavia.”

Professor of linguistics and anthropology, Tatjana Petrovic, PhD, from the Institute of culture and remembrance studies, held a lecture “Migratory factories and migrant workers – work regimes at European periphery.”

Independent researcher engaged in anthropology, Nejra Nuna Cengic, spoke about the topic “Being a member of the European family – perspectives of paid housewives in Bosnia and Herzegovina (CareWork).”

Each of the speakers offered a unique perspective on history, present moment and future of labor-related migrations in this region and wider, stressing the importance of interdisciplinary approach to researching this phenomenon. After each lecture the audience actively took part in discussions, posing questions and considering different aspects of migrations, work and society changes.

The wider community showed a large interest in topics presented, which is particularly significant as it shows the relevance of the RETLAMI-SEE project for the region.


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