At its 42nd extraordinary session held on 3 October 2019, the Senate of the University of Banja Luka relieved Professor Luka Kecman, PhD, of duty as the vice rector for human and material resourses of the University of Banja Luka. Altogether 23 memb...
News archive
Students of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Banja Luka participated in the summer school ,,Social Trauma in Changing Societies’’ held from 20 to 28 September 2019 at the International Psychoanalytic University Berlin. Th...
On 30 September 2019, Professor Anette Klein from the International Psychoanalytic University Berlin gave a lecture at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Banja Luka on internalizing symptoms in preschoolers. During this visit, she also he...
Representatives of the University Participated in the European Researchers' Night
University of Banja LukaGeneralRepresentatives of several organizational units of the University of Banja Luka participated in the European Researchers' Night, held on 27 September 2019. Part of the activities named Science Talks was held on 28 September 2019. As for the Unive...
Representatives of the University at the Reception Devoted to the 70th Anniversary of PR China
University of Banja LukaGeneralDelegation of the University of Banja Luka, led by Vice Rector for Scientific Research and University Development Professor Goran Latinovic, PhD, attended the reception organized in Sarajevo on 30 September 2019 to celebrate 70 years since the proclama...
At its 33rd session held on 30 September 2019, the Steering Committee of the University of Banja Luka made the Decision on Announcing the Cash Award Contest for Professors and Assistants of the University of Banja Luka for International Results Achieve...
Solemn academy was held on 27 September 2019, devoted to the marking of ten years of existence and operation of the Institute of Genetic Resources at the University of Banja Luka. Vice Rector for Human and Material Resources at the University of Ban...
The book „Serbian-English Basketball Dictionary“ in two volumes by the author Slobodan Simovic, PhD, from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport and Professor Dalibor Kesic, PhD, from the Faculty of Philology of the University of Banja Luka, will ...
Vice Rector Posavljak Attending the Marking of 40 Years of Tianjin University of Technology and Education
University of Banja LukaGeneralVice Rector for Teaching and Student Issues of the University of Banja Luka Professor Strain Posavljak, PhD, attended an event held on 27 and 28 September 2019 devoted to the marking of 40 years of the foundation of Tianjin University of Technology and...
Head of the University Computer Center, Aleksandar Gacina, attended the lecture titled „Electronic Identity“, held on 26 September 2019 at the University of Mostar. Topics related to authentication and authorization infrastructure in higher educati...
Students of the Faculty of Law at the University of Banja Luka, who took an internship during the summer break at the Republic Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs, were delivered certificates on successfully completed internship on 25 Sept...
Professor Anette Klein from the International Psychoanalytic University Berlin is giving a lecture on 30 September 2019, at 13 o’clock, at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Banja Luka. The lecture is titled ’Internalizing Symptoms in P...
On 24 September 2019, the International Confucius Institute Day was marked by opening the Dao Garden, promoting the translated edition of 'Mrguda' Short Stories and the exhibition of photographs titled 'Tianjin – the Beauty of Far East' by the author P...
Training of Teams for the Registration and Implementation of Erasmus+ Projects Held
University of Banja LukaGeneralOn 19 September 2019, the Office for International and Interuniversity Cooperation of the University of Banja Luka held the third consecutive training of teams for the registration and implementation of Erasmus+ projects, established by five University...
The two-day International Conference on English Language and Literary Studies, held on the 9th and 10th September 2019 at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Banja Luka, attracted around 40 people. The fourth conference organized by the De...
On 18 September 2019, Vice Rector for Scientific Research and University Development Professor Goran Latinovic, PhD, held a meeting with vice deans of all organizational units of the University of Banja Luka. At the meeting, they discussed the statu...
Representatives of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Participated in the Conference in Berlin
Faculty of Natural Sciences and MathematicsGeneralAssistant Professor Smiljana Paras, PhD, and Biology Associate Natasa Vojinovic, ma, at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Banja Luka, took part in the international Microscopy Conference 2019, held from 2 to 5 September 2019 in Berlin....
Pursuant to Decision on Adoption of the Academic Calendar for the Academic Year 2019/2020 No 02/04-3.1669-5/19 of 11 July 2019, the classes in the winter semester for all undergraduate students begin on 30 September 2019.
Meeting Between the Representatives of the University of Banja Luka and the University of Thessaloniki
University of Banja LukaGeneralOn 6 September 2019, the University of Banja Lika representatives, Vice Rector for International and Interuniversity Cooperation Professor Biljana Antunovic, PhD, and Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine Igor Sladojevic, PhD, visited the Aris...
University of Banja Luka Was Presented at the 84th International Fair in Thessaloniki
University of Banja LukaGeneralVice Rector for International and Interuniversity Cooperation at the University of Banja Luka Professor Biljana Antunovic, PhD, and Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine Igor Sladojevic, PhD, participated in the 84th International Entrepreneur...
The Scientific Monograph „Population of the Republic of Srpska – Demographic Factors and Indicators” Was Promoted
University of Banja LukaGeneralThe scientific monograph „Population of the Republic of Srpska – Demographic Factors and Indicators” by the authors Professor Drasko Marinkovic, PhD, and Aleksandar Majic, ma, was promoted on the 11th September 2019 within the 24th International Book F...
University of Banja Luka Presented Itself at the 24th International Book Fair
University of Banja LukaGeneralThe University of Banja Luka presented its editions to the visitors at the 24th International Book Fair 'Banja Luka 2019', traditionally organized by Glas Srpske, which was opened last night. Vice Rector for Scientific Research and University Develo...
On 4 September 2019, a Memorandum on Cooperation was signed between the University of Banja Luka and the Sutjeska National Park, Tjentiste. The Memorandum was signed in the premises of the Battle of Sutjeska Museum by Secretary General of the Unive...
Bojan Garic, a third year student of geography at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Banja Luka, is staying at the geography camp in Crimea. The student Garic went to the camp, organized by the Russian Geographical ...
The University of Banja Luka will present its editions at the 24th International Book Fair „Banja Luka 2019“, traditionally organized by Glas Srpske. This is the sixth time the University of Banja Luka is participating in this fair, and it will pres...