
1C13GOS20 - Settlement geography

Course specification
Type of study Bachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course title Settlement geography
Acronym Status Semester Number of classes ECTS
1C13GOS20 mandatory 5 4L + 4E 10.0
Lecturer/Associate (practicals)
Prerequisite Form of prerequisites
There are no requirements for taking the course. Passed exam in the course Basics of Anthropogeography. Passed exam.
Learning objectives
Forming ideas about the spatial distribution of settlements on Earth, about the factors of establishment and development of settlements, and about settlement processes. Understanding the importance of rural space and its sustainability for overall development. Analysis of typological and development characteristics of rural settlements and identification of problem areas. Acquiring knowledge about development factors and relevant processes in the development and transformation of urban settlements and their impact on spatial organization and regional development. Adoption of the methodology of analysis of urban structures and development processes in urban regions. Knowledge of development characteristics and spatial-functional organization of the settlement system of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republic of Srpska).
Learning outcomes
Mastering scientific material enables the development of the ability to concretely apply knowledge about settlements and their function in the organization and development of geospace. Access to teaching enables students to develop research abilities, master the methodology, methods and techniques of research in the function of getting to know the local environment, the development and arrangement of rural settlements and spaces, the acquisition of applicable knowledge about the development of urban settlements and urban structures in the context of demographic, socioeconomic and ecological sustainability of urban systems, formation of objective ideas about global processes in urban regions and their role in spatial-functional organization and the establishment of a balanced development of geospace.
Teaching Methods
Lectures, theoretical exercises, field-practical work, seminar paper and consultations. Lectures and exercises: interactive teaching.
  1. Stamenković, S., Bačević, M. (1992): Geografija naselja, Geografski fakultet, Beograd (Original title)
  2. Bubalo Živković, M., Ćurčić, S., Đerčan, B.(2021): Geografija naselja, Zavod za udžbenike, Novi Sad (odabrana poglavlja) (Original title)
  3. Mandić, M. (2019): Geografski apekti ruralnog razvoja, Geografsko društvo RS, Banja Luka (odabrana poglavlja) (Original title)
  4. Vresk M. (2002). Grad i urbanizacija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb (odabrana poglavlja) (Original title)
  5. Mandić, M. (2019): Grad u prostoru i vremenu, Geografsko društvo RS, Banja Luka (Original title)
Evaluation and grading
Class attendance - 5 points; Colloquium – 20 points; Seminar paper (presentation) – 15 points; Oral exam - 60 points.
Specific remarks