
PN20-32 - Političke partije i interesne grupe

Course specification
Type of study Bachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course title Političke partije i interesne grupe
Acronym Status Semester Number of classes ECTS
PN20-32 mandatory 6 3L + 1E 6.0
Lecturer/Associate (practicals)
Prerequisite Form of prerequisites
Learning objectives
Predmet Političke partije i interesne grupe obuhvata različite teorijske pristupe i metode u izučavanju političkih partija i interesnih grupa. Predmetom je predviđeno izučavanje političkih partija, partijskih ideologija, političkih organizacija i interesnih grupa, partijskih sistema i partija u procesima demokratske tranzicije. Sve ovo sa ciljem da studenti steknu odgovarajuće teorijsko znanje o političkim partijama, jednom od najupečatljivijih fenomena savremenog doba.
Learning outcomes
Po uspješnom završetku predmeta Političke partije i organizacije student stiče uvid u teoriju o političkim partijama, partijskim sistemima i političko-partijskim procesima u savremenom svijetu.
Course content by week: 1. Origin, definition and elements of political parties 2. Functions of political parties 3. Political parties - conflicts and struggle 4. The party as a system, internal actors and processes in parties 5. Financing of political parties, partocracy and clientelism 6. Changes and types of parties 7. Party systems 8. Repetition of the material from the first part (first colloquium) 9. Groups, interests and movements in politics 10. Lines of social cleavages in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the origin and development of the first parties 11. Bosnia and Herzegovina in the "third wave of democratization" - renewal of multi-partyism and war 12. Character of political parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina 13. Character of the party system of Bosnia and Herzegovina 14. Political parties and election campaigns 15. Repetition of material from the second part (second colloquium)
Teaching Methods
Predviđeno je da se nastava izvodi kroz časove nastave i časove vježbi u skladu sa usvojenim akademskim kalendarom i rasporedom održavanja nastave i vježbi za aktuelni semestar u kojem se oni izvode.
  1. Goati, Vladimir (2008) „Političke partije i partijski sistemi“, Fakultet političkih nauka, Podgorica (Original title)
  2. Hejvud, Endru (2004) „Politika“, Klio, Beograd (str: 502-541) (Original title)
  3. Simović, Vlade (2019) Narod, partije i demokratija u Bosni i Hercegovini, Fakultet političkih nauka Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci, Banja Luka (str. 15-145 i str. 191-261) (Original title)
Evaluation and grading
Checking knowledge and determining how active students are in class is done throughout the semester. Knowledge is checked using two colloquia, and students' activity is expressed through writing seminar papers, attending classes regularly, participating in debates, preparing presentations and through other forms of creative participation in the teaching process. In this way, students fulfill the pre-examination requirements through which they can acquire 50 points (two colloquiums of 20 points each, a seminar paper of 5 points and regular and active attendance of classes 5 points). The final exam is conducted orally and it tests knowledge of the entire material, and carries a maximum of 50 points. The final grade is calculated by adding the points from the pre-examination requirements and the points from the exam