
prof. dr Tatjana Marjanović
redovni profesor

Nastavnik - II-4
Filološki fakultet
lokal 135
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Specifični jezici – engleski jezik redovni profesor March 26, 2020


Filološki fakultet

Akademske studije drugog ciklusa Akademske studije prvog ciklusa


Radovi u časopisima

    The importance of teaching advanced grammar explicitly

    Časopis MET. Modern english teacher
    Godina 2020
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Volumen 29
    Broj 1
    Strana od 68
    Strana do 71

    Digital technology for education versus entertainment: A questionnaire

    DOI 10.31902/fll.27.2019.16
    Časopis Folia Linguistica et Litteraria
    Godina 2019
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Broj 27
    Strana od 271
    Strana do 290
    Veb adresa

    EFL students and culture: Case study of a college course

    Časopis Lipar
    Godina 2019
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Broj 68
    Strana od 287
    Strana do 299
    Veb adresa

    Four successive generations of students and a grammar test: Should we be alarmed?

    Časopis Palimpsest
    Godina 2018
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Volumen 3
    Broj 6
    Strana od 267
    Strana do 280
    Veb adresa

    Euro-English: What's (not) in a name?

    Časopis ESSE Messenger
    Godina 2017
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Volumen 26
    Broj 1
    Strana od 32
    Strana do 39
    Veb adresa

    On students and electronic communication: E-mails to a professor

    DOI 10.7251/ZIP09117109M
    Godina 2017
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Broj Special issue
    Strana od 109
    Strana do 132
    Veb adresa

    Lost in translation in the middle of nowhere

    Časopis Translationes
    Godina 2014
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Broj 6
    Strana od 35
    Strana do 45
    Veb adresa

    The language of entertainment news is a serious business

    Časopis Journal on English language teaching
    Godina 2013
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 6
    Strana do 11

    Commas and coordinating conjunctions: too many rules or no rules at all?

    Časopis Nordic Journal of English Studies
    Godina 2013
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 53
    Strana do 69

    The (in)visibility of academic prose writers: a story of scholarship turning human

    Časopis Changing English
    Godina 2011
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 437
    Strana do 442

    Genre awareness: issues of priority and appropriateness in foreign language teaching

    Godina 2011
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 133
    Strana do 140

    Noun phrases in news reports in Serbian: words tightly packed

    Časopis Filolog
    Godina 2010
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 151
    Strana do 161

    Mjesto i uloga tematske strukture u halidejevskoj funkcionalno-sistemskoj lingvistici

    Časopis RADOVI časopis za humanističke i društvene nauke
    Godina 2009
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 155
    Strana do 180

    Collocation as a stumbling block to non-native speakers of English

    Godina 2007
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 11
    Strana do 29

    Tema i tematizacija: od funkcionalne gramatike do analize diskursa

    Časopis Zbornik društveno-humanističkih nauka
    Godina 2006
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 95
    Strana do 100

    Introducing referents in Serbian

    Časopis RADOVI časopis za humanističke i društvene nauke
    Godina 2006
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 97
    Strana do 124

    A brief account of English spellings: historical circumstances and contemporary points of view

    Časopis RADOVI časopis za humanističke i društvene nauke
    Godina 2005
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 141
    Strana do 147

Radovi sa skupova

    English lessons from The Big Bang Theory

    Naučni skup Fifth International Conference: Language, Literature and Popular Culture
    Publikacija Book of Proceedings: Language, Literature and Popular Culture, ISSN 978-86-6461-017-9
    Godina 2017
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 25
    Strana do 48

    The language of news entertainment is a serious business!

    Naučni skup Third International Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics
    Publikacija Applying Intercultural Linguistic Competence to Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
    Godina 2013
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 1940
    Strana do 1950

    Some benefits of corpora as a language learning tool

    Naučni skup Edukacija za budućnost
    Publikacija Pedagoški fakultet Zenica
    Godina 2012
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 473
    Strana do 483

    'Grown-up' syntax in children's storybooks

    Naučni skup First International Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics
    Publikacija International Burch University Sarajevo
    Godina 2011
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 1175
    Strana do 1182

    Thematic structure in English news texts – making it harder for the reader?

    Naučni skup Constructing, Deconstructing, Reconstructing Language and Literary Matters
    Publikacija Filozofski fakultet Nikšić
    Godina 2009
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 85
    Strana do 97

Ostali radovi

    The art of translation: Students and online resources

    Izdavač West University
    Godina 2018
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović and Jasna Jurišić-Roljić

    Animal rescue on Facebook: About the rescuer or the rescued?

    Izdavač Faculty of Philosophy
    Godina 2018
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović

    EFL students and culture: Case study of a college course

    Izdavač Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
    Godina 2018
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović

    The Art of Translation: Students and Online Resources

    Izdavač West University
    Godina 2018
    Autori Jasna Jurišić-Roljić and Tatjana Marjanović

    Teorija učtivosti: primjena engleskog modela na korpusu srpskog jezika

    Izdavač Rotary Club Aequalitas
    ISSN/ISBN 978-99976-36-41-6
    Godina 2018
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 22
    Strana do 39

    Do we teachers know how tech-savvy our students really are?

    Izdavač Alfa BK University
    Godina 2017
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović

    English Lessons from The Big Bang Theory

    Izdavač Alfa BK University
    Godina 2016
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović

    On students and electronic communication: E-mails to a professor

    Izdavač College of Communications Kappa Phi
    Godina 2016
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović

    How polite are students when they write emails to their teachers?

    Izdavač Filozofski fakultet
    Godina 2015
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović

    Four successive generations of students and a grammar test: Should we be alarmed?

    Izdavač Filološki fakultet
    Godina 2014
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović and Snježana Lepir

    Thematic structure in English and Serbian: An exploratory study

    Izdavač Cambridge Scholars Publishing
    ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4438-6306-3
    Godina 2014
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 223
    Strana do 234

    Thematic structure, one story and two very different languages

    Izdavač Filozofski fakultet
    Godina 2014
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Strana od 163
    Strana do 175

    The language of entertainment news is a serious business!

    Izdavač International Burch University
    Godina 2013
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović

    Mostly the noun phrase: A workbook

    Izdavač Studijski program engleskog jezika i književnosti
    Godina 2013
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović

    Some benefits of corpora as a language learning tool

    Izdavač Pedagoški fakultet
    Godina 2012
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović

    'Grown-up' syntax in children's storybooks

    Izdavač International Burch University
    Godina 2011
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović

    Genre awareness: issues of priority and appropriateness in foreign language teaching

    Izdavač Università per Stranieri
    Godina 2011
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović

    Fifth International Conference: Construction, Deconstruction, Reconstruction

    Izdavač Filozofski fakultet
    Godina 2009
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović


    The complex noun phrase: Forms and functions

    Izdavač Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Filološki fakultet
    ISBN 978-99955-58-59-8
    Godina 2019
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Tip knjige pomoćni udžbenik
    Broj strana 166

    Tema, rema i diskurs: kako je čitati i slušati vijesti na engleskom jeziku

    Izdavač Filozofski fakultet, Banja Luka
    ISBN 978-99938-34-97-7
    Godina 2009
    Autori Tatjana Marjanović
    Tip knjige naučna knjiga