
doc. Dijana Laštro

Medicinski fakultet
  • Medicinski fakultet - Katedra za fizioterapiju
Uža naučna/umjetnička oblast Zvanje Datum izbora u zvanje
Fizioterapija docent February 23, 2023


Medicinski fakultet

Akademske studije drugog ciklusa Akademske studije prvog ciklusa


Radovi u časopisima

    The effects of speed and terrain characteristics on the distribution of force and plantar pressure during the gait of children with different levels of physical activity

    Godina 2023
    Autori Dijana Laštro
    Veb adresa

    Short-term effects of carrying a school bag on the distribution of force and plantar pressure during walking of children of different levels of physical activity

    Časopis Journal of Health Sciences
    Godina 2021
    Autori Dijana Laštro
    Veb adresa

    Parents' knowledge and attitudes when choosing their children's school bag: An introductory study

    Godina 2021
    Autori Dijana Laštro
    Veb adresa

    Sedentary and dynamic activities of adolescents as predictions of postural status.

    Efekat kineziterapije na poboljšanje funkcije hoda kod bolesnika sa hemiparezom,

    Časopis Glasnik Antropoloskog drustva Srbije
    Godina 2016
    Autori Olivera Pilipović Spasojević, N Naumović, Dijana Laštro, Tamara Popović, Ljubiša Preradović, and Goran Spasojević

    Influence of physical activity on the posture of school age children.

Radovi sa skupova


    Naučni skup In Scientific Conference SANUS Scientific conference SANUS 2023, Prijedor
    Godina 2023
    Autori Dijana Laštro

    Fear of falling as a risk factor for falls in the elderly population.

    Naučni skup In Scientific Conference SANUS Scientific conference SANUS 2023, Prijedor
    Godina 2023
    Autori Dijana Laštro

    Evaluation of the application of standardized tests for assessing the functional status of people after a stroke.

    Naučni skup In Scientific Conference SANUS Scientific conference SANUS 2023, Prijedor
    Godina 2023
    Autori Dijana Laštro

    Association between body composition and risk of eating disorders in young female students

    Naučni skup VIII INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE “SOCIAL DEVIATIONS” CONFERENCE TOPIC: Right to health and education – universal human rights,
    Godina 2023
    Autori Dijana Laštro

    , Mišljenje studenata radne terapije o statusu radnih terapeuta u Republici Srpskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini

    Naučni skup , Naučna konferencija SANUS
    Godina 2022
    Autori L Slunjski-Tišma, Tamara Popović, Dijana Laštro, I Stijepić, and D Sredić-Kartes

    Motivacija djece školskog uzrasta za bavljenje fizičkim akativnostima

    Naučni skup Naučna konferencija SANUS 2022
    Godina 2022
    Autori Dijana Laštro

    Occupational therapy in school children with cerebral paralysis

    Naučni skup Zbornik radova Međunarodnog naučnog skupa ALOS
    Godina 2020
    Autori Tamara Popović, Olivera Pilipović Spasojević, Dijana Laštro, N Vučić-Savković, and L Slunjski Tišma

    Corelation of leisure and body posture in older elementary school children.

    Naučni skup . 9. Kongres delovnih terapevtov Slovenije
    Godina 2018
    Autori Dijana Laštro

    Efekti kineziterapije na funkciju oboljelih ekstremiteta kod osoba sa hemiparezom.

    Naučni skup I Međunarodni kongres fizioterapeuta BiH
    Godina 2015
    Autori Dijana Laštro