
Darija Knežević Ratković

Saradnik - II-5
Medicinski fakultet
  • Medicinski fakultet - Katedra za farmakognoziju
  • Medicinski fakultet - Katedra za analitiku lijekova
Uža naučna/umjetnička oblast Zvanje Datum izbora u zvanje
Analitika lijekova asistent October 29, 2020


Medicinski fakultet

Akademske integrisane studije (jedinstveni studijski program koji obuhvata prvi i drugi ciklus) Akademske studije prvog ciklusa


Radovi u časopisima

    Retention mechanisms of amitriptyline and its impurities on amide, amino, diol, and silica columns in hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography

    Godina 2024
    Autori Darija Knežević, Radovan Kukobat, and Irena Kasagić-Vujanović

    Design of experiments in optimization and validation of hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography method for determination of amlodipine besylate and its impurities

    DOI 10.1556/1326.2020.00875
    Časopis Acta Chromatographica
    Godina 2020
    Autori Irena Kasagić-Vujanović and Darija Knežević
    Volumen AChrom 2021;
    Strana od 1
    Strana do 12
    Veb adresa

    Quality control of distilled water used for reconstitution of powders for oral suspension in pharmacies on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina

    DOI DOI 10.7251/COMEN1901047V
    Godina 2019
    Autori Irena Kasagić-Vujanović, Žarko Gagić, Nina Okuka, and Darija Knežević
    Volumen X
    Broj 1
    Strana od 47
    Strana do 55

    Testing of the influence of media's pH value on the solubility and partition coefficient of the acetylsalicylic acid

    DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-4166-2_56
    Časopis Springer Nature CMBEBIH
    Godina 2017
    Autori Darija Knežević and Irena Kasagić-Vujanović
    Volumen 1
    Strana od 368
    Strana do 371
    Veb adresa

    Stress degradation of Lisinopril Dihydrate in different aqueous media

    DOI 10.7251/COMEN1702164K
    Godina 2017
    Autori Irena Kasagić-Vujanović, Darija Knežević, and Nina Okuka
    Volumen 8
    Broj 2
    Strana od 164
    Strana do 171
    Veb adresa

Radovi sa skupova

    Chemometric approach in the analysis of retention mechanisms of amitriptyline and its impurities in hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography

    Naučni skup 5th Congress of Pharmacists of Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation
    Publikacija Farmaceutska komora Republike Srpske
    Godina 2023
    Autori Darija Knežević and Irena Kasagić-Vujanović
    Strana od 39
    Strana do 40

    Retention Mechanisms of Amitriptyline and Its Impurities in Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography

    Naučni skup XVI International scientific conference Contemporary Materials
    Publikacija Contemporary Materials
    Godina 2023
    Autori Darija Knežević and Irena Kasagić-Vujanović
    Strana od 82
    Strana do 82

    Development and validation of a HILIC method for analysis of amlodipine besylate and its impurities

    Naučni skup IV Kongres farmaceuta BiH sa međunarodnim učešćem
    Godina 2019
    Autori Irena Kasagić-Vujanović and Darija Knežević
    Strana od 326
    Strana do 327

    Investigation of the retention mechanisms of amlodipine besylate, bisoprolol fumarate and their impurities on three different HILIC columns

    Naučni skup VII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem
    Godina 2018
    Autori Irena Kasagić-Vujanović, Biljana Jančić-Stojanović, Darija Knežević, and Darko Ivanović
    Strana od 401
    Strana do 402

    QbD oriented development and validation of the HILIC method for the analysis of amitriptyline hydrochloride and its impurities

    Naučni skup VII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem
    Godina 2018
    Autori Irena Kasagić-Vujanović, Darija Knežević, Guro Forsdahl, and Biljana Jančić-Stojanović
    Strana od 402
    Strana do 403

    Testing of the quality od destilled water used for syrup reconstitution in pharmacies on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Naučni skup XI International scientific conference Contemporary Materials
    Godina 2018
    Autori Irena Kasagić-Vujanović, Žarko Gagić, Nina Okuka, and Darija Knežević

    Testing of the influence of media's pH value on the solubility and partition coefficient of the acetylsalicylic acid

    Naučni skup International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering in Bosnia and Herzegovina
    DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-4166-2_56
    Publikacija Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017
    Godina 2017
    Autori Darija Knežević and Irena Kasagić-Vujanović
    Strana od 368
    Strana do 371

    Sadržaj žive u krvi i kosi stanovnika Banjaluke

    Naučni skup III Kongres farmaceuta BiH sa međunarodnim učešćem
    Godina 2015
    Autori Milada Nalesnik, Tijana Petrušić, B Lazić, Darija Knežević, and Jasminka Nikolić
    Strana od 142
    Strana do 142