Katedre |
Uža naučna/umjetnička oblast | Zvanje | Datum izbora u zvanje |
Algebra i geometrija | redovni profesor | December 23, 2021 |
Prirodno-matematički fakultet
Akademske studije drugog ciklusa | Akademske studije prvog ciklusa | Akademske studije trećeg ciklusa | Prvi ciklus |
Radovi u časopisima
Igor R. Šafarevič --- vijek rada i borbe ostavljen pokoljenima u naslijeđe
DOI | 10.7251/MK2302099C |
Časopis | MAT-KOL |
Godina | 2023 |
Autori | Dimitrije Čvokić, Duško Bogdanić, and Jelena Osipova |
Volumen | 29 |
Broj | 2 |
Strana od | 99 |
Strana do | 114 |
Veb adresa | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qflQiVqX8T_NPDCprjBm4Whvl-iozbAY/view |
Indecomposable Modules in the Grassmannian Cluster Category ${\rm CM}(B_{5,10})$
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić and Ivan Vanja Boroja |
Volumen | 48 |
Broj | 6 |
Strana od | 907 |
Strana do | 920 |
Veb adresa | https://imi.pmf.kg.ac.rs/kjm/pdf/accepted-finished/759dde513605c4c9fc8ddd6e3da4e386_2536_10292021_092521/kjm_48_6-7.pdf |
Construction of Rank 2 Indecomposable Modules in Grassmannian Cluster Categories
Časopis | Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić, Karin Baur, and Jian-Rong Li |
Volumen | 88 |
Strana od | 1 |
Strana do | 29 |
Veb adresa | https://bookstore.ams.org/aspm |
Invert transform and restricted words
DOI | 10.7251/BIMVI2201027B |
Časopis | Bulletin of International Mathematical Virtual Institute |
Godina | 2022 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić and Milan Janjić |
Volumen | 12 |
Broj | 1 |
Strana od | 27 |
Strana do | 39 |
Veb adresa | http://www.imvibl.org/buletin/bulletin_12_1_22/bulletin_imvi_12_1_22_26_39.pdf |
The Fibonacci numbers in biology
DOI | 10.7251/MK2101011B |
Časopis | MAT-KOL |
Godina | 2021 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić, Nina Janjić, and Jelena Skorucak |
Volumen | XVII |
Broj | 1 |
Strana od | 11 |
Strana do | 20 |
Veb adresa | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rI4gSSUCHWN8KDyAZQ08FPnx1N5tenES/view |
Arithmetics of some sequences via 2-determinants
DOI | 10.7251/BIMVI2103517B |
Časopis | Bulletin of International Mathematical Virtual Institute |
Godina | 2021 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić and Milan Janjić |
Volumen | 11 |
Broj | 3 |
Strana od | 517 |
Strana do | 526 |
Veb adresa | http://www.imvibl.org/buletin/bulletin_imvi_11_3_2021/bulletin_imvi_11_3_2021_517_526.pdf |
Gradings on quaternion blocks with three simple modules
DOI | 10.7251/BIMVI2102319B |
Časopis | Bulletin of International Mathematical Virtual Institute |
Godina | 2021 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić |
Volumen | 11 |
Broj | 2 |
Strana od | 319 |
Strana do | 325 |
Veb adresa | http://www.imvibl.org/buletin/bulletin_imvi_11_2_2021/bulletin_imvi_10_2_2020_319_325.pdf |
Gradings on quaternion blocks with two simple modules
DOI | 10.7251/BIMVI2102255B |
Časopis | Bulletin of International Mathematical Virtual Institute |
Godina | 2021 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić |
Volumen | 11 |
Broj | 2 |
Strana od | 255 |
Strana do | 260 |
Veb adresa | http://www.imvibl.org/buletin/bulletin_imvi_11_2_2021/bulletin_imvi_11_2_2021_255_260.pdf |
Cluster categories from Grassmannians and root combinatorics
DOI | 10.1017/nmj.2019.14 |
Godina | 2020 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić, Karin Baur, and Ana Garcia Elsener |
Volumen | 240 |
Strana od | 322 |
Strana do | 354 |
Veb adresa | https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/nagoya-mathematical-journal/article/abs/cluster-categories-from-grassmannians-and-root-combinatorics/1B5688F2D593727778FD38072C8C576A |
Computation of Positive Roots for Lie Algebras
DOI | 10.7251/MK2002033B |
Časopis | MAT-KOL |
Godina | 2020 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić and Sara Jevđenić |
Volumen | 26 |
Broj | 2 |
Strana od | 33 |
Strana do | 40 |
Veb adresa | https://matinf.pmf.unibl.org/mat-kol/en/home |
Extensions between Cohen–Macaulay modules of Grassmannian cluster categories
DOI | 10.1007/s10801-016-0731-5 |
Godina | 2017 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić and Karin Baur |
Volumen | 45 |
Broj | 4 |
Strana od | 965 |
Strana do | 1000 |
Veb adresa | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10801-016-0731-5 |
Existence of gradings on associative algebras
DOI | 10.1080/00927872.2015.1065872 |
Godina | 2016 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić |
Volumen | 44 |
Broj | 7 |
Strana od | 3067 |
Strana do | 3076 |
Veb adresa | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00927872.2015.1065872 |
Gradings on semidihedral blocks with three simple modules
Časopis | Bulletin of International Mathematical Virtual Institute |
Godina | 2015 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić |
Volumen | 5 |
Strana od | 141 |
Strana do | 152 |
Veb adresa | www.imvibl.org |
Gradings on Semidihedral Blocks With Two Simple Modules
Časopis | Bulletin of International Mathematical Virtual Institute |
Godina | 2015 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić |
Volumen | 5 |
Strana od | 133 |
Strana do | 140 |
Veb adresa | www.imvibl.org |
Grading Wild Blocks via Stable Equivalences
Časopis | Bulletin of International Mathematical Virtual Institute |
Godina | 2015 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić |
Volumen | 5 |
Strana od | 125 |
Strana do | 132 |
Veb adresa | http://www.imvibl.org/ |
Obrazac nacionalnog projekta prevencije moždanog udara u ranom otkrivanju patoloških promjena na krvnim sudovima vrata i glave
Godina | 2014 |
Autori | Vlado Đajić, Ljubiša Preradović, Duško Bogdanić, Darko Tomaš, and T. Žikić-Rabi |
Volumen | XXII |
Broj | 1-2 |
Strana od | 7 |
Strana do | 14 |
Graded Cartan matrices of defect 2 blocks of symmetric groups
DOI | 10.1142/S0219498812502209 |
Godina | 2013 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić |
Volumen | 12 |
Broj | 5 |
Strana od | 1250220 |
Strana do | 1250231 |
Veb adresa | http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0219498812502209 |
Graded blocks of group algebras with dihedral defect groups
DOI | 10.4064/cm122-2-1 |
Časopis | Colloquium Mathematicum |
Godina | 2011 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić |
Volumen | 122 |
Strana od | 149 |
Strana do | 176 |
Veb adresa | https://www.impan.pl/en/publishing-house/journals-and-series/colloquium-mathematicum/all/122/2/86869/graded-blocks-of-group-algebras-with-dihedral-defect-groups |
Graded Brauer tree algebras
DOI | 10.1016/j.jpaa.2009.11.013 |
Godina | 2010 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić |
Volumen | 214 |
Broj | 9 |
Strana od | 1534 |
Strana do | 1552 |
Veb adresa | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022404909002722 |
Aksiome teorije skupova
Časopis | MAT-KOL |
Godina | 2009 |
Autori | Bojan Nikolić, Duško Bogdanić, and Daniel Romano |
Volumen | XV(1) |
Strana od | 17 |
Strana do | 25 |
Osnove matematike
Izdavač | Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci |
ISBN | 978-99955-21-78-3 |
Godina | 2019 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić and Milan Janjić |
Tip knjige | osnovni udžbenik |
Broj strana | 163 |
Elementarna matematika
Izdavač | Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci |
ISBN | 978-99955-21-77-6 |
Godina | 2019 |
Autori | Duško Bogdanić and Bojan Nikolić |
Tip knjige | osnovni udžbenik |
Uvod u algebru
Izdavač | Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Banjoj Luci |
ISBN | 978-99955-21-27-1 |
Godina | 2012 |
Autori | Milan Janjić and Duško Bogdanić |
Tip knjige | osnovni udžbenik |
Broj strana | 1999 |
Kompresovani grafovi komutativnosti algebarskih struktura
Project Number | 1259098 |
Status | Aktivan |
Type of project | Medjunarodni naucnoistrazivacki - Ostali |
Organizational unit | Prirodno-matematicki fakultet |
Head | prof. dr Dusko Bogdanic |
Participants |
mr Jovan Mikic Sara Koljancic, ma mr Ivan-Vanja Boroja |
Business Partner | Vijece ministara Bosne i Hercegovine, Vlada Republike Slovenijeada |
Beginning of realization | 2024-01-01 |
End of the project | 2025-12-31 |
Project value | 3600.0 BAM |
Analiza bioloskih mreza metodama masinskog ucenja
Project Number | 1259087 |
Status | Aktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Prirodno-matematicki fakultet |
Head | doc. dr Milana Grbic |
Participants |
prof. dr Dusko Bogdanic Nenad Vilendecic Milica Jaguzovic Milan Predojevic, ma doc. dr Marko Djukanovic dr Dragan Matic mr Tatjana Zec |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj i visoko obarzovanje Republike Srpske |
Beginning of realization | 2024-04-01 |
End of the project | 2025-04-01 |
Project value | 5500.0 BAM |
Razvoj metoda vjestacke inteligencije za rjesavanje problema racunarske biologije
Project Number | 1259052 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Prirodno-matematicki fakultet |
Head | dr Dragan Matic |
Participants |
Vukasin Crnogorac prof. dr Vladimir Jovanovic prof. dr Dusko Bogdanic doc. dr Milana Grbic Milan Predojevic, ma doc. dr Marko Djukanovic Sara Koljancic, ma doc. dr Vladimir Filipovic |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj, visoko obrazovanje i informaciono drustvo |
Beginning of realization | 2020-01-01 |
End of the project | 2022-10-30 |
Project value | 22000.0 BAM |
Konfiguracioni prostori u diskretnoj geometriji
Project Number | 1259049 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Prirodno-matematicki fakultet |
Head | prof. dr Dusko Jojic |
Participants |
Milanka Treml, ma doc. dr Milana Grbic mr Sladjana Babic doc. dr Bojan Nikolic Sara Koljancic, ma prof. dr Zoran Mitrovic Mia Jotanovic prof. dr Dusko Bogdanic prof. dr Miroslav Pranic |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj, visoko obrazovanje i informaciono drustvo |
Beginning of realization | 2020-06-01 |
End of the project | 2021-01-31 |
Project value | 12000.0 BAM |
Nilpotentne orbite i komutativnost matrica
Project Number | 1259030 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Medjunarodni naucnoistrazivacki - Ostali |
Organizational unit | Prirodno-matematicki fakultet |
Head | prof. dr Dusko Bogdanic |
Participants |
Sara Koljancic, ma doc. dr Marko Djukanovic mr Tatjana Zec |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj, visoko obrazovanje i informaciono drustvo |
Beginning of realization | 2019-01-01 |
End of the project | 2024-03-05 |
Project value | 4000.0 BAM |
Razvoj i primjena metoda kombinatorne optimizacije i metoda masinskog ucenja u bioinformatici
Project Number | 1259015 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni - ostali |
Organizational unit | Prirodno-matematicki fakultet |
Head | dr Dragan Matic |
Participants |
prof. dr Vladimir Jovanovic Milan Predojevic, ma prof. dr Dusko Bogdanic doc. dr Milana Grbic doc. dr Marko Djukanovic Sara Koljancic, ma doc. dr Vladimir Filipovic |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj, visoko obrazovanje i informaciono drustvo |
Beginning of realization | 2019-01-01 |
End of the project | 2020-10-06 |
Project value | 12410.0 BAM |
Topoloske i kombinatorne osobine nekih vaznih kompleksa
Project Number | 1259014 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni - ostali |
Organizational unit | Prirodno-matematicki fakultet |
Head | prof. dr Dusko Jojic |
Participants |
doc. dr Bojan Nikolic Milanka Treml, ma prof. dr Miroslav Pranic prof. dr Dusko Bogdanic Alen Djuric prof. dr Zoran Mitrovic mr Sladjana Babic doc. dr Milana Grbic Sara Koljancic, ma |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo za naucnotehnoloski razvoj, visoko obrazovanje i informaciono drustvo |
Beginning of realization | 2019-06-01 |
End of the project | 2023-01-31 |
Project value | 13000.0 BAM |
Kombinatorne metode u topologiji i njihova primjena na probleme Tverbergovog tipa
Project Number | 0830905 |
Status | Neaktivan |
Type of project | Nacionalni naucnoistrazivacki |
Organizational unit | Prirodno-matematicki fakultet |
Head | prof. dr Dusko Jojic |
Participants |
mr Vladimir Telebak Milanka Treml, ma mr Sladjana Babic dr Dragan Matic prof. dr Dusko Bogdanic prof. dr Zoran Mitrovic |
Business Partner | Ministarstvo nauke i tehnologije Republike Srpske |
Beginning of realization | 2016-09-01 |
End of the project | 2019-01-17 |
Project value | 12100.0 BAM |