
prof. dr Bojana Grujić
vanredni profesor

Nastavnik - II-4
Arhitektonsko-građevinsko-geodetski fakultet
  • Arhitektonsko - građevinsko - geodetski fakultet - Katedra za geotehniku, saobraćajnice, organizaciju i tehnologiju građenja
Uža naučna/umjetnička oblast Zvanje Datum izbora u zvanje
Geotehnika vanredni profesor 7. jul 2022.


Arhitektonsko-građevinsko-geodetski fakultet

Akademske studije drugog ciklusa
GZO Geotehnika i zaštita okoline
GI Geotehničko inženjerstvo
GL Geotehnički laboratorij
GPS Geotehnički problemi kod saobraćajnica
GPS-URKD Geotehnički problemi kod saobraćajnica
GH Geohazardi
GH-URKD Geohazardi
GŠS Gradski šinski sistemi
IMS-GU Inženjerska mehanika stijena
IMS-KU Inženjerska mehanika stijena
IMS-HU Inženjerska mehanika stijena
NPG Nasute i potporne građevine
NPG-GU Nasute i potporne građevine
OŽP Održavanje željezničkih pruga
PMT Primijenjena mehanika tla
PTTS Procesi tečenja u tlu i stijenama
RŽP Rekonstrukcija željezničkih pruga
TIO Terenska ispitivanja i opažanja
Akademske studije prvog ciklusa
OG07EKI Ekološko inženjerstvo
OG07MT Mehanika tla
OG07OFHK Osnove fundiranja hidrotehničkih konstrukcija
OG07FUND Fundiranje
OGD09EI Ekološko inženjerstvo
OGK07IE Inženjerska etika
OGS07GS Gradske saobraćajnice
OGS07GSŽ Gornji stroj željeznica
OGS07DSS Donji stroj saobraćajnica
OGS07ŽSČ Željezničke stanice i čvorovi
OGS07KK Kolovozne konstrukcije
OGS07PŽ Projektovanje željeznica
OGS07PP Projektovanje puteva
OGS07SP Saobraćajnice i prostor
Akademske studije trećeg ciklusa
DG20POI Pregled oblasti istraživanja
DG20RIKT Interakcija konstrukcije i tla
DG20ROPMS Odabrana poglavlja mehanike stijena


Radovi u časopisima

    „Monitoring the Subsidence Induced by Salt Mining in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina by SBAS-DInSAR Method“ - ORIGINAL PAPER- SCI - Q1

    Časopis STED Journal
    Godina 2020
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Volumen 53
    Broj (2020) 53
    Strana od 5155
    Strana do 5175

    Numerical modelling of the reinforced concrete influence on a combined system of tunnel support

    Časopis Selected Scientific Papers - Journal of Civil Engineering
    Godina 2017
    Autori Bojana Grujić, Igor Jokanović, Žarko Grujić i Dragana Zeljić
    Broj 2
    Strana od 63
    Strana do 70
    Veb adresa

    Costs of performance based maintenance for local roads: Case study Albania

    Časopis Selected Scientific Papers - Journal of Civil Engineering
    Godina 2017
    Autori Igor Jokanović, Bojana Grujić, Dragana Zeljić, Žarko Grujić i Mila Svilar
    Broj 2
    Strana od 71
    Strana do 78
    Veb adresa

    Geotehnički problemi usljed dejstva podzemnih voda

    Godina 2016
    Autori Bojana Grujić, Žarko Grujić i Saša Tatar
    Broj 29
    Strana od 51
    Strana do 58

    „Geotechnical problems that occur due to the fact of groundwater“

    DOI 10.14415/zbornikGFS29
    Godina 2016
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Broj 29
    Strana od 51
    Strana do 59

    Podobnost prirodnih stenskim materijala u Bosni i Hercegovini za građenje kolovoznih konstrukcija

    DOI 10.14415/zbornikGFS28.09
    Godina 2015
    Autori Igor Jokanović, Dragana Zeljić, Žarko Grujić i Bojana Grujić
    Broj 28
    Strana od 91
    Strana do 100
    Veb adresa

    „Suitability of Natural Rock Materials in Bosnia and Herzegovina for pavement Construction“

    DOI 10.14415/zbornikGFS28
    Godina 2015
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Broj 28
    Strana od 91
    Strana do 101

    "The application of reinforced shotcrete in tunnel construction"

    DOI 10.14415/zbornikGFS22.010
    Godina 2013
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Broj 22
    Strana od 107
    Strana do 113

    “Supplement to the analysis Construction of Klasnice Tunnel

    DOI 624.131(497.6)
    Časopis Izgradnja - Beograd
    Godina 2009
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Broj 63
    Strana od 145
    Strana do 154

Radovi sa skupova


    Naučni skup 50. Simpozijum o operacionim istraživanjima
    Publikacija Ministarstvo odbrane i Vojska Srbije
    Godina 2023
    Autori Bojana Grujić, Sandra Kosić-Jeremić, Snježana Maksimović i Tijana Majkić
    Strana od 613
    Strana do 619
    Veb adresa

    "Modeling of mechanically stabilized earth retaining walls and their dynamic analysis"

    Naučni skup International Scientific and Expert Symposium “Geo-Expo 2018”, Conference Proceedings of Geotechnical Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina
    DOI 2303- 4262
    Publikacija “Geo-Expo 2018”, Conference Proceedings of Geotechnical Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Godina 2022
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 162
    Strana do 169

    „Geotechnical solutions depending on the changes of soil parameters“

    Naučni skup Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure Development – Fontoura, Rocca & Pavón Mendoza (Eds)2020 ISRM
    DOI 978-0-367-42284-4
    Publikacija Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure Development – Fontoura, Rocca & Pavón Mendoza (Eds)2020 ISRM
    Godina 2022
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 830
    Strana do 836

    "Validity of SBAS-DInSAR Monitoring of Subsidence Induced by Salt Mining in Tuzla"

    Naučni skup International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM) Specialised Conference, GEOTECHNICAL CHALLENGES IN KARST
    DOI 978-953-95486-8-9
    Godina 2022
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 311
    Strana do 317

    "Application of DInSAR Technology for Monitoring the Subsidence Induced by Salt Mining in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina"

    Naučni skup Nineteenth Young Researchers’ Conference - Science and Engineering, Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA & Materials Research Society of Serbia
    DOI 978-86-80321-36-3
    Publikacija Nineteenth Young Researchers’ Conference - Science and Engineering
    Godina 2021
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 4
    Strana do 6

    “Monitoring of Subsidence Induced by Salt Mining in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina by Means of SBAS-DInSAR“

    Naučni skup International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM) International Symposium - EUROCK 2020
    DOI 978-82-8208-072-9
    Publikacija ISRM Eurock 2020 – Hard Rock Engineering
    Godina 2021
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od ISRM-EUROCK-2020
    Strana do 130

    “International collaborative research with alumni of Yamaguchi University based on the satellite technology for monitoring ground deformation in disaster and environmental issues - SBAS-DlnSAR monitoring of the ground subsidence induced by salt mining in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina”

    Naučni skup The 1st Online International Seminar on Disaster Prevention and Environment, Center for Local Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (CLDPM) Yamaguchi University Japan and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University Japan
    Publikacija Proceedings - Poster presentation
    Godina 2021
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 1
    Strana do 1

    „Development of a numerical model for reduction of geohazard risk; Case studies - underground salt caverns in Tuzla, B&H “

    Naučni skup International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM) Specialized Conference, 5th ISRM Young Scholar's Symposium on Rock Mechanics and International Symposium on Rock Engineering for Innovative Future, YSRM2019 & REIF2019
    DOI 2-6-1
    Publikacija 5th ISRM Young Scholar's Symposium on Rock Mechanics and International Symposium on Rock Engineering for Innovative Future, YSRM2019 & REIF2019
    Godina 2019
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 134
    Strana do 140

    „SBAS-DlnSAR monitoring of subsidence induced by extracting brine from an underground salt deposit“

    Naučni skup International Conference on Sustainability Science and Management: Advanced Technology in Environmental Research (CORECT-IJJSS 2019), E3S Web of Conferences 153(2), 03007, 2020
    DOI 10.1051/e3sconf/202015303007
    Publikacija E3S Web of Conferences 153(2), 03007, 2020
    Godina 2019
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    ,“Application of DInSAR for Monitoring the Subsidence Induced by Salt Mining in Tuzla”,

    Naučni skup 10th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium
    DOI 978-981-11-9003-2
    Publikacija The International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM) International Symposium for 2018
    Godina 2018
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od ISRM-ARMS10-2018
    Strana do 185

    "Climate and natural disaster vulnerability and resilience: Have we forgotten or omitted something?"

    Naučni skup International Scientific and Expert Symposium “Geo-Expo 2018”, Conference Proceedings of Geotechnical Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina
    DOI 2303-4262
    Publikacija “Geo-Expo 2018”, Conference Proceedings of Geotechnical Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Godina 2018
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 67
    Strana do 75

    Modeling of mechanically stabilized earth retaining walls and their dynamic analysis

    Naučni skup Naučno-stručni simpozijum GEO-EXPO 2018 Geotehnika, stijenska masa, rudarstvo, geo-okolinsko i građevinsko inženjerstvo
    Publikacija Zbornik radova Osmog naučno-stručnog simpozijuma GEO-EXPO 2018 Geotehnika, stijenska masa, rudarstvo, geo-okolinsko i građevinsko inženjerstvo
    Godina 2018
    Autori Bojana Grujić, Igor Jokanović, Sabid Zekan, Žarko Grujić i Mila Svilar
    Strana od 162
    Strana do 168

    Climate and natural disasters vulnerability and resilience: have we forgotten or omitted somethnig?

    Naučni skup Naučno-stručni simpozijum GEO-EXPO 2018 Geotehnika, stijenska masa, rudarstvo, geo-okolinsko i građevinsko inženjerstvo
    Publikacija Zbornik radova Osmog naučno-stručnog simpozijuma GEO-EXPO 2018 Geotehnika, stijenska masa, rudarstvo, geo-okolinsko i građevinsko inženjerstvo
    Godina 2018
    Autori Igor Jokanović, Bojana Grujić, Mila Svilar i Žarko Grujić
    Strana od 67
    Strana do 75

    ”Aplication of SBAS – DiNSAR for monitoring subsidence induced underground salt deposit Tuzla in Bosnia and Herzegovina“

    Naučni skup 39th West Japan Symposium on Rock Engineering
    DOI 0917-2580
    Publikacija 39th West Japan Symposium on Rock Engineering
    Godina 2018
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 32
    Strana do 35

    ''Costs of performance based maintenance for unpaved local roads: Case study Albania'

    Naučni skup CETRA 2018 5th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure
    Publikacija CETRA 2018 5th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure, Conference Proceedings
    Godina 2018
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 1001
    Strana do 1007

    “Pavement structures in the area of intersections”

    Naučni skup International Scientific Conference "Contemporary theory and practice in construction XIII - STEPGRAD 2018," Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, University of Banja Luka
    DOI 10.7251/STP1813602Z
    Publikacija "Contemporary theory and practice in construction XIII - STEPGRAD 2018,"
    Godina 2018
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 603
    Strana do 615

    “Ecological aspects of snow and ice control on roads”

    Naučni skup International Scientific Conference "Contemporary theory and practice in construction XIII - STEPGRAD 2018," Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, University of Banja Luka
    DOI 10.7251/STP1813616S
    Publikacija Contemporary theory and practice in construction XIII - STEPGRAD 2018
    Godina 2018
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 616
    Strana do 623

    Ecological aspects of snow and ice control on roads

    Naučni skup Savremena teorija i praksa u graditeljstvu
    Publikacija Zbornik radova XIII naučnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem Savremena teorija i praksa u graditeljstvu, Banja Luka
    Godina 2018
    Autori Mila Svilar, Igor Jokanović, Dragana Zeljić, Žarko Grujić i Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 616
    Strana do 631

    Pavement structures at the intersection area

    Naučni skup Savremena teorija i praksa u graditeljstvu
    Publikacija Zbornik radova XIII naučnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem Savremena teorija i praksa u graditeljstvu
    Godina 2018
    Autori Dragana Zeljić, Igor Jokanović, Žarko Grujić, Mila Svilar i Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 602
    Strana do 615

    Costs of performance based maintenance for unpaved local roads: Case study Albania

    Naučni skup 5th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure
    Publikacija Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure
    Godina 2018
    Autori Igor Jokanović, Bojana Grujić, Dragana Zeljić, Žarko Grujić i Mila Svilar
    Strana od 1001
    Strana do 1007

    “Soil endangerment and protection for traffic infrastructure projects: preparation, works execution and operation”

    Naučni skup "International Scientific and Expert Symposium “Geo-Expo 2017”
    DOI 2303-4262
    Publikacija “Geo-Expo 2017”, Conference Proceedings of Geotechnical Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Godina 2017
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 37
    Strana do 45

    Ugrožavanje i zaštita tla kod projekata saobraćajnica: priprema, izvođenje, eksploatacija

    Naučni skup Naučno-stručni simpozijum GEO-EXPO 2017 Geotehnika, saobraćajnice, rudnici i zaštita okoline
    Publikacija Zbornik radova Sedmog naučno-stručnog simpozijuma GEO-EXPO 2017 Geotehnika, saobraćajnice, rudnici i zaštita okoline
    Godina 2017
    Autori Igor Jokanović, Bojana Grujić, Dragana Zeljić, Mila Svilar i Žarko Grujić
    Strana od 37
    Strana do 44

    Soil Endangerment and Protection for Traffic Infrastructure Projects: Preparation,Works Execution and Operation

    Naučni skup Geo-Expo 2017
    Publikacija Conference Proceedings Geo-Expo 2017
    Godina 2017
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    Costs of performance based maintenance for local roads: Case study Albania

    Naučni skup XVI International Scientific Conference Kosice-Lviv-Rzeszow
    Publikacija Proceedings of the XVI International Scientific Conference Kosice-Lviv-Rzeszow Curent Issues of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Kosice-Lviv-Rzeszow
    Godina 2017
    Autori Igor Jokanović, Bojana Grujić, Dragana Zeljić, Žarko Grujić i Mila Svilar

    Numerical modelling of the reinforced concrete influence on a combined system of tunnel support

    Naučni skup XVI International Scientific Conference Košice-Lviv-Rzeszów
    Publikacija Proceedings of the XVI International Scientific Conference Kosice-Lviv-Rzeszow Curent Issues of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Kosice-Lviv-Rzeszow
    Godina 2017
    Autori Bojana Grujić, Igor Jokanović, Žarko Grujić i Dragana Zeljić

    Costs of performance based maintenance for local roads: Case study Albania

    Naučni skup XVI International Scientific Conference Košice-Lviv-Rzeszów, Slovak Republic
    Publikacija Conference Proceedings
    Godina 2017
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    The influence of reinforced concrete on a combined system of tunnel support using numerical models

    Naučni skup XVI International Scientific Conference Košice-Lviv-Rzeszów
    Publikacija Conference Proceedings
    Godina 2017
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    “Fiber reinforced concrete in rehabilitation and building of Hydraulic Structures”

    Naučni skup International Conference Assessment, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures and Settlements , Association of Civil Engineering of Serbia, Conference
    DOI 978-86-88897-09-9
    Publikacija Association of Civil Engineering of Serbia, Conference Proceedings
    Godina 2017
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 279
    Strana do 289

    Fiber reinforced concrete in sanations (building) Hidropower Constructions

    Naučni skup International Conference Assessment, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures and settlements
    Publikacija Proceedings, Association of Civil Engineering of Serbia
    Godina 2017
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 279
    Strana do 288

    Mikroarmirani beton u sanacijama (izradi) hidrotehničkih objekata

    Naučni skup Ocena stanja, održavanje i sanacija građevinskih objekata i naselja
    Publikacija X Naučno-stručno međunarodno savjetovanje; pregledni naučni članak štampan u cjelini u zborniku savetovanja
    Godina 2017
    Autori Mato Uljarević, Bojana Grujić i Milan Jakšić
    Strana od 279
    Strana do 288

    Road data survey program

    Naučni skup Savremena teorija i praksa u graditeljstvu
    Godina 2016
    Autori Igor Jokanović, Dragana Zeljić, Žarko Grujić i Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 311
    Strana do 318

    Zaštita drumskih saobraćajnica u uslovima spoljašnjih destruktivnih uticaja

    Naučni skup Drugi srpski kongres o putevima
    Publikacija Zbornik radova drugog srpskog kongresa o putevima
    Godina 2016
    Autori Žarko Grujić, Igor Jokanović, Dragana Zeljić i Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 392
    Strana do 400

    „Zaštita drumskih saobraćajnica u uslovima spoljašnjih destruktivnih uticaja“

    Naučni skup Second Serbian road Congress, Belgrade, Serbia, 2016
    Godina 2016
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    „Measures for prevention of liquefaction due to dinamic loading“

    Naučni skup 4. International Conference Contemporary achievements in Civil Engineering 2016
    DOI 10.14415/konferencijaGFS2016.061
    Godina 2016
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 147
    Strana do 153

    Procjena stanja puteva sa zemljanim i makadamskim zastorima

    Naučni skup Ocena stanja, održavanje i sanacija građevinskih objekata i naselja
    Publikacija Zbornik radova devetog međunarodnog naučno-stručnog savetovanja
    Godina 2015
    Autori Igor Jokanović, Bojana Grujić, Žarko Grujić i Dragana Zeljić
    Strana od 283
    Strana do 291

    „Numerical Methods for Tunneling and Investigation of Long-Time-Effects of the Shotcrete and its Impact on the Combined Support System“

    Naučni skup 11th Internatiopnal Course for Young Researches“, Computational Engineering
    Godina 2015
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 118
    Strana do 121

    “The elements of the qualifications standard for an engineering study program at the bachelor level“

    Naučni skup “The elements of the qualifications standard for an engineering study program at the bachelor level“, 9th Research/Exspert Conference with International Participations „Quality 2015“
    DOI 1512-9268
    Godina 2015
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    „Condition Evaluation for dirt/earth and Macadam roads“

    Naučni skup Night International Conference Assessment, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures and settlements Conference
    Godina 2015
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 283
    Strana do 290

    Praćenje inženjerskog objekta primjenom GPS tehnologije

    Naučni skup Savremena teorija i praksa u graditeljstvu
    Godina 2014
    Autori Branko Milovanović, Sanja Tucikešić i Bojana Grujić

    „Use of special types of concrete in the Construction and rehabilitation of Tunnel structures“

    Naučni skup Eight International Conference Assessment, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures and settlements
    Godina 2013
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 303
    Strana do 310

    „Effect of Determining Soli Parameters to the Model calculation results“

    Naučni skup Contemporary Theory and Practice in Building Development
    DOI 5009432
    Godina 2013
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 171
    Strana do 179

    „Optimal Technical Sulution Tunnel excavation in Carst condition“

    Naučni skup Contemporary Theory and Practice in Building Development“
    DOI 3623704
    Godina 2013
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Strana od 279
    Strana do 285

    Fourth Annual International Course “Ventilation Efficiensy and Indoor Climate Quality of buildings“, under patronage of DAAD project, August 2012.

    Naučni skup Fourth Annual International Course “Ventilation Efficiensy and Indoor Climate Quality of buildings“
    Godina 2012
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    “Numerical heat transfer"

    Naučni skup Second Annual International Course “Numerical heat transfer"
    Godina 2010
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    “Ventilation Efficiensy and Indoor Climate Quality of buildings“, under patronage of DAAD project, August 2010.

    Naučni skup Second Annual International Course
    Godina 2010
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    "Numerical heat transfer”, under the patronage DAAD Project, October 2009

    Naučni skup First Annual International Course "Numerical heat transfer
    Godina 2009
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    Fifth annual International Course "Computational engineering", Project Coordinator Univesity Siegen, Germany October 2008

    Naučni skup Fifth annual International Course "Computational engineering"
    Godina 2008
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    Fourth Annual International Course "Computational engineering" Project Coordinator Univesity Siegen, Germany, September 2007

    Naučni skup Fourth Annual International Course "Computational engineering"
    Godina 2007
    Autori Bojana Grujić

Ostali radovi

    Pismo zahvalnosti Bojani Grujić od strane ambasadora Japana u Bosni i Hercegovini za naučna ostvarenja stečena u Japanu, promovisanje ostvarenih naučnih rezultata i zajedničkog razumijevanja između Japana i Bosne i Hercegovine

    Godina 2022
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    International Science Programmes and Projects, „International Collaborative Research to the Funding Committee of Yamaguchi University, Japan, 2019

    Izdavač University of Yamaguchi
    Godina 2022
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    Nineteenth Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering, Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA & Materials Research Society of Serbia

    Izdavač Materials Science and Engineering, Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA & Materials Research Society of Serbia
    Godina 2021
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    „The 2nd International Online Seminar on Disaster Prevention and Environment”, Organizer: Center for Local Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (CLDPM), Yamaguchi University, Japan, Co-organizer: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University, Japan

    Izdavač Yamaguchi Univesrsity of Japan
    Godina 2021
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    „The 1st International Online Seminar on Disaster Prevention and Environment“ Organizer: Center for Local Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (CLDPM), Yamaguchi University, Japan, Co-organizer: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University, Japan

    Izdavač : Center for Local Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (CLDPM), Yamaguchi University, Japan, Co-organizer: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University, Japan
    Godina 2021
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    Plaketa Arhitektonsko-građevinsko-geodetskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci za istaknuti rad i dostignuća u nastavnom i naučno- istraživačkom radu fakulteta

    Izdavač Arhitektonsko-građevinsko-geodestski fakultet Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci
    Godina 2020
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    Nagrada Ministarstva za naučnotehnološki razvoj, visoko obrazovanje i informaciono društvo Republike Srpske za rezultate postignute u oblasti naučne produktivnosti u međunarodnim referentnim časopisima

    Godina 2020
    Autori Bojana Grujić


    Godina 2020
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    Zlatna plaketa za izuzetan doprinos naučnom razvoju u oblasti mehanike stijena i geotehničkog inženjerstva na međunarodnoj konferenciji „5th ISRM Young Scholar's Symposium on Rock Mechanics and International Symposium on Rock Engineering for Innovative Future, YSRM2019 & REIF2019“ Okinawa, Japan, 2019.

    Izdavač ISRM&JSRM
    Godina 2019
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    5th International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM) Young Scholar's Symposium on Rock Mechanics and International Symposium on Rock Engineering for Innovative Future, YSRM2019 & REIF2019

    Izdavač , “International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering" (ISRM) & (JSRM) "Japanese Society for Rock Mechanics2
    Godina 2019
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    International project:: „Local Roads Planning, Design, Construction, Maintenance and Supervision Manual”, PART I: Planning and Design: Volume 2: Investigations and surveys, chapter Engineering-geological and geotechnical Investigations; Volume 7: Road structural elements, chapter Earthworks

    Izdavač World Bank and The Government of the Republic of Moldova, Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure State Road administration, Moldova
    Godina 2019
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    Stipendija (JSPS) za postdoktorsko istraživanje kao gostujući naučnik u Japanu, -Yamaguchi University, Japan, 2019 - 2020.

    Izdavač Yamaguchi University of Japan, JSPS, Japan 2019-2020
    Godina 2019
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    Staff Mobility for training at the University of Zilina, Slovakia

    Izdavač EU, Slovakia, 2018.
    Godina 2018
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    Association for Tunnels and Underground Structures in Bosnia and Herzegovina (ITA BiH), April, 2013

    Godina 2017
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    Leibniz University, Hannover - Germany; with University of Nis - Serbia October 2014 - Sixth Annula International Course “Numerical Heat Transfer”

    Godina 2017
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    Tehnical University of Sofia Bulgaria May, 2015 - 11th International Cours for young Researchers Computational Engineering

    Izdavač Technical University of Sofia
    Godina 2017
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    Japan, Tsukuba - Capacity Development for Flood Risk Management with Integrated Flood Analysis System (IFAS)

    Izdavač ICHARM
    Godina 2015
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    University of Ioannina in Greece, Faculty of Sciences and Engineering - Experiment study and participation in exercises - working with students

    Godina 2015
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    University of Tehnion, and Mekorot Company - Israel Jun, 2013 - Project of preserving and protecting the Water and Soil

    Godina 2013
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    Association of Civil Engineers Serbia, Maj , 2013

    Godina 2013
    Autori Bojana Grujić

    Third Annual International Course "Computational engineering" Project Coordinator Univesity Siegen, Germany, September - October 2006

    Godina 2006
    Autori Bojana Grujić


    "Mikroarmirani beton–primjena u geotehnici"

    Izdavač Arhitektonsko-građevinsko-geodetski fakultet Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci
    ISBN 978-99976-978-3-7
    Godina 2022
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Tip knjige naučna knjiga
    Broj strana 175

    Strategic Development of Higher Education and Qualification Standards

    Izdavač European Union
    ISBN 978-99976-642-1-4
    Godina 2015
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Tip knjige ostale naučne publikacije
    Broj strana 120

    Center for Curricula Modernization and Lifelong Learning (511354-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-ES-TEMPUS-SMHES)

    Izdavač European Union
    ISBN 978-92-79-21085-3
    Godina 2013
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Tip knjige pomoćni udžbenik

    „Experiences, impressions and visions of the builders of the country at three sea - How to preserve drinking water"

    Izdavač Academy of Science and Arts of the Republic of Srpska, University of Banja Luka - Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
    ISBN 978-99955-747-6-5
    Godina 2013
    Autori Bojana Grujić
    Tip knjige naučna knjiga
    Broj strana 264