
09NJPED - Pedagogy (09NJPED)

Course specification
Type of studyBachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course titlePedagogy (09NJPED)
AcronymStatusSemesterNumber of classesECTS
09NJPEDelective62L + 0E2.0
Lecturer/Associate (practicals)
    PrerequisiteForm of prerequisites
    There are no conditions
    Learning objectives
    The aim of this course is an introduction to the theoretical and methodological foundations of pedagogy as a social science, its significance and function in the everyday social context. The study of the subject Pedagogy enables the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge about upbringing and education as the basic social phenomena that pedagogy deals with. Students acquire general competencies about the origin and field of activity of pedagogy, as well as its relationship with other sciences, its content, function and role in upbringing and education.
    Learning outcomes
    The ability of students to get acquainted with new knowledge about pedagogy and the subject of its study - education, to be able to critically review and further develop this knowledge, and to use it in practice; to know the achieved possibilities and limits of action on the personality of the pupil; to be able to research pedagogical theory and practice and to be trained and develop the necessary skills of successful and quality communication with students.
    Concept, subject, tasks of pedagogy Pedagogy - the science of education Scientific bases of pedagogy Development of pedagogy through history Education - a specific process and activity, goal and factors of education Components of education Principles and methods of educational work Review of teaching development; Teaching systems Educational system in RS School system - critique of traditional and construction of modern school Modern school and its function in education and upbringing of students; Characteristics of the new generation of students Successful education systems in the world Virtual schools and virtual learning Lifelong learning - formal, non-formal and informal learning
    Teaching Methods
    Teaching on the subject will be performed by presenting topics and talking about questions from the teaching material, as well as reading the given materials and writing colloquia and papers from pre-examination obligations. The basic subject obligation for all students is regular attendance, reading teaching materials and writing pre-examination obligations during the semester. - In order to acquire the condition for the certification of proper attendance of the course, the student may be absent for a maximum of three weeks in total, ie 20% of the course. Students who are more than ten minutes late for class or who leave class ten or more minutes earlier will be deemed not to have attended that class.
    1. Mikanović, B., Jevtić, B.,(2015). Pedagogija – osnovna znanja o vaspitanju. Banja Luka: GrafoMark. (Original title)
    2. Macanović, N. (2015). Pedagoške aktuelnosti. Banja Luka, Udruženje nastavnika i saradnika Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci. (Original title)
    3. Potkonjak, N. (2003). HH vek: „ni vek deteta“, ni vek pedagogije – ima nade. Novi sad: Pedagoško društvo Srbije. (Original title)
    4. Giesecke, H. (1993). Uvod u pedagogiju. Zagreb: Educa. (Original title)
    5. Suzić, N. (2005). Pedagogija za XXI vijek. Banja Luka: TT-Centar. (Original title)
    Evaluation and grading
    Checking knowledge and determining how active students are in teaching is done throughout the semester. Knowledge is tested using two colloquia, and students' activity is expressed through writing seminar papers, regular attendance, participation in debates, preparation of presentations and other forms of creative participation in the teaching process. In this way, students fulfill the pre-examination obligations through which they can gain 50 points (two colloquia of 20 points each, a seminar paper of 5 points and an orderly and active attendance of 5 points). The final exam is conducted orally and tests knowledge from the entire material, and carries a maximum of 50 points. The final grade is performed by adding the points from the pre-exam obligations and the points from the exam.